When it comes to Normal people’s interest – Government / Facebook and Financial experts all are equal.
22nd January 2021
When it comes to Normal people’s interest – Government / Facebook and Financial experts all are equal.
Dear Fellow Travelers,
Namaste! I am happy with your appreciation/forwards for the last two posts on Kejriwal and Biden. We are indeed making a bold claim at this moment on them. Only time will prove us wrong or right. Today I am dealing with the plight of the normal people in India. It has an important lesson for all of us. Let us start.
Government Attitude towards Normal People: -
Look at all the announcements from 2014 onwards. Announcements were made and the next day our PM will go to a foreign country. All announcements were sudden and no follow up education or logic is shared with the common people. Ideally, education should have preceded the announcements. In case of serious matters like Demonetisation, they may say they can’t educate in advance – but people should have been explained post announcements with the facts and logic. Unfortunately, this has never happened in the past 6 years.
In current time there is new farm law and all farmers are fighting for the last 40 days or so. Had the government taken due steps to educate the farmers with the disadvantage of the previous system and the advantage of the new system – they would have been successful in saving our economic loss and mockery of the legal system. The economy is suffering, local people in the area are suffering but the government is doing meeting after meeting.
Somehow, they know that they can manipulate your emotions with some nice speech later on.
Facebook: -
They were fined in Europe for breaching privacy. They are taking Indian people for a ride with one side announcements of WhatsApp. Since they faced the opposition, they have postponed their policy till May. Now, they are saying they will come and educate the Indian customers. Looking at the opposition – our government has also asked Facebook to reconsider. Ideally, the government should have come first and stopped them.
Financial Experts: -
I came across a joke for Vasectomy. In one village, officers were preaching the benefits of Vasectomy to the uneducated villagers. After listing to the presentation one villager got up and asked – have you done the Vasectomy? The officer replied No. He asked what about his Boss. Officer said he has also not done. The villager then asked – how about the Minister they represent. Officer said – he has also not done it.
Then the villager asked – Why you all are not doing and asking us to do?
The officer said – we are educated people and we understand the importance of a small family.
The villager said – why don’t you educate us rather than going after our phallus?
The same thing is happening in the area of investments.
Not a single person has become a billionaire by investing in Mutual Funds. Then also they are bombarding you with the benefits of Mutual Funds. They don’t want to teach the finer secret of investments to normal people. As long as people invest through mutual funds they will remain under control. When they master the fine arts of investments – they all have the possibility to give tough competition to the top guys.
Important lessons for Normal People: -
Government is managing your opinion / Facebook your data and Mutual funds your money. If they all come together – even God will not be able to save you.
Luckily, current stars are in favour of normal people so Government and Facebook are taking back steps. But this favourable situation is not going to last forever. Someday they will come up with a new plot.
An ideal way to fight is to have money power in your control. If you don’t have your money under your control and an independent mindset to earn money – you are gone for a toss.
My suggestion is that you learn the fine art of investments so that you have your money under your own control. When you have your money – you will be willing to fight with the Government or Facebook with peace of mind. Look at the way farmers are fighting. They are not budging. They have got some good funding this time.
If you don’t learn today out of choice, you will have to follow them tomorrow without your choice.
Make your decision.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp – +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh
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