Secrets of APPLE which nobody discusses. Follow them to make tons of money in 2021.


21st December 2020

Secrets of APPLE which nobody discusses. Follow them to make tons of money in 2021.

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! The last post on Mirror / Market and Mother was well received by our readers. They liked the concept. Today we are sharing the secrets of Apple. I assure you, you will never have to worry about money or success if you understand the same.

Let us look at Apple: -

Apple launched first mobile in January 2007. They were secretly planning since 2005. It had many shortcomings. They came out with a newer version in 2008. Since then every year they come out with a new version. The most interesting aspect is Software is continuously upgraded – throughout the year but Hardware is upgraded each year. This is the ROOT of their success.

Let us look at Human Body: -

Our body is hardware. Thanks to Nature / God or Existence – it grows itself without your efforts. A Child becomes young and young becomes old. This cycle goes on and one day the hardware dies and the newer version comes in the form of a child only. We call it next birth.

Hardware is so powerful that it takes care of all the functions like the beating of heart / digesting food/taking breath and many other activities without our active actions or attentions.

The challenge for the human being is software i.e. Mind. In India, we have 4 parts of the mind – mind/intellect/ego and Chitta – memory. Very few people take conscious efforts to upgrade their software with each passing year.

2020 was a lockdown year. Most were working from home or not having work. Just answer 3 questions to yourself.


1    How many of you have read 25 or more books from April to June or during 2020?

2.   How many of you have developed new skill sets during the year 2020?

3.   How many of you have taken professional help to upgrade your skill sets or mindsets in 2020?


I am taking an example of 2020. Because it was a lockdown year. Most had ample time and no work. In the normal course, people give the reason of lack of time. Another reason for giving an example of 2020 is – it is about to end. It means your memory about 2020 will be fresh. You can really evaluate yourself with the above 3 questions.  

Mis-match of Hardware and Software: -

Apple continuously upgrades the software and yearly update of hardware. In the case of Human – Hardware is upgraded automatically and software may or may not be upgraded for 60 or 80 years depending on the person to person.

When your software is not suitable – the efficiency of your hardware will reduce. Many times, mobile stops working properly but when you upgrade it with the latest version of software – it starts working properly. It means as a human we also have to keep on upgrading our skill sets and mindsets to efficiently use our body (hardware).

100% of the people know about the above secret. Still, they don’t upgrade? Why?

There could be an N number of reasons and they will vary from person to person. The common factor is when you start doing something new consciously – it gives you pain. Say you are wearing new leather shoes – it may pinch in the initial days. But if you wear them regularly, you become comfortable. So, avoidance of Pain is the major reason.

No guarantee of success. When you start something new – there is no guarantee that you will get the expected success. Look at Apple – iPhone 4 / 6 / 10 became super-successful compared to other models. Most normal people’s software crashes when they face failure or see the possibilities of failure. Ideally, you should fail so many times that your software does not crash at all with any amount of failure.

The above two are applicable Worldwide. I want to share India specific reason.

India Specific reason for failure to upgrade Software: -

Have you seen India has never attacked any country in the last 5000 years? We have a very big fault in the South East of Indian Map. We have the Bay of Bengal in India in the southeast corner.

Southeast stands for Ego / Guts / Confidence / Challenge / Ambitions and Growth. It gives you a positive self-image to the person. This is a fire element. We have a water element in the Bay of Bengal.  

It means all our fire is watered down. Thanks to watered-down fire – we lack the guts to fight directly. History is full of stories of Kings who used to tie up with foreign attackers to fight with their neighbors. They were responsible to allow foreigners to loot our country.  A negative ego person acts like Mir Jafer. He joined the English army against his king.  

Taking conscious efforts for SELF GROWTH is a characteristic of a positive Ego. When a person is not supported by a positive Ego, he runs away from little early pains of new efforts and ends up suffering major pains for a lifetime.  

With my 25 plus years of experience as a Vaastu consultant – I have seen this trait prominent when the person’s premises are also affected in the South East by water element or cut.  

This is applicable to India and all the countries which have this kind of fault.

How to evaluate your Software?

Watch your thoughts / your reactions or your responses to the situations. Go back in your memory in 2001 / 2010 and 2020. How have you responded in similar situations in each of the years? You can take any number of years in the past and compare them with 2020. If your responses have remained the same – your software has also not changed. You badly need to reset and change before 2021 begins, if you love to progress.

What NEXT?

I don’t care if you don’t believe in Share Market or Astrology or Vaastu. But if you have not tried them in the last 20 years or so, it means your software is not upgraded in that area.

When you are not upgradeable in all the areas of your life – no amount of good luck or opportunities will be able to help you.

Look within in the last 10 days of 2020.

I wish you all a great 2021.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp – +91-9869425399.


Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.


Hitesh Parikh


  1. Very interesting and liked the idea of upgrading the human " software" frequently. Well said.


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