Modiji - Acche Din / Religious Gurus - Heaven / Investors - Returns

17th June 2020

Modiji - Acche Din / Religious Gurus - Heaven / Investors - Returns

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Namaste From Hitesh! A normal person is always future-oriented. He is always interested in tomorrow. Death stops tomorrow and that may be the probable reason for hating the death or to avoid talking about death.

If you look at the last 7 years – Normal People’s Future orientations have been masterly exploited by Modi Ji. There is no grass-root level change in India even after 7 years but we get slogan after slogan – Sabka Saath – Sabka Vikas / Swatch Bharat / Clean Ganga or Acche Din. Modi Ji's image is improving in international levels and Indian people’s hearts thanks to the effective use of communication and media. He is getting many international awards and recognitions.

Look at any religious Guru or Books – they are talking about or full with a beautiful description of HEAVEN. If you do well here – you will go to SWARG and enjoy all the pleasure. What a smart way to exploit normal people’s mindset.

Look at Normal investors who are taken for a ride by PONZI Schemes/ So-called Assured Return Scheme in Plantations and other areas or chit funds. They were duped again and again – thanks to showing them the beautiful picture of the Future.  

Am I Blaming Modi Ji / Babas or Financial Cheaters?

No. I am not blaming anybody. They are doing with you what you allow them. They are taking enormous pain and invest a lot of resources to make you believe in what they are doing or saying.

Normal people always want CHAMTKAR in their life. They want that someday some Messiah will come and change their life forever. They are living in a utopian world.

So, the real person to blame is oneself and not the other.

What happens in Reality?

Those who have really progressed well – they have always focused on PRESENT Moment. They have not only seen big dreams but also taken big actions and tremendous pains to fulfill their dreams.

When Normal guys focus on the PRESENT moment?

Normal guys focus on present only and only when they are in Pain. Say somebody is SICK – he will be ready to listen to you or take action to remove the pain immediately. He will do all the actions when he is in pain. He will sell his house/gold or anything just to come out of the pain of the present situations.

Smartest of the smart investors - Buffett uses the PAIN in the market is the time for investments. He says – by nature investors must be an optimistic person but he must invest in pessimistic situations. Why? Same principles as written above. When there is overall pessimism – a die-hard optimistic investor becomes extra cautious before investing. He will take time to study the details and that detailed study will give him the conviction to withstand the uncertainties.

The normal investor will always invest in good times with fast gains coming in the FUTURE. When times are good – most people end up thinking more positive then the situations are actually positive. So, when sudden negative events come or some genuine problems come in the business or economy – their calculations go for a toss and they are not prepared for this fall. Then they end up blaming their luck / Leaders / Babas or the cheaters. The FACT is – they have not FOCUSED on PRESENT in detail.

What NEXT?

If you really want a bright and rosy future – spend time studying the PRESENT opportunities in detail. The future comes from the present only. So, if you have taken care of your PRESENT now, your future will be taken care of automatically. This is the reason BUFFETT always says – I am not worried if the market is closed for 10 years after my investments. He is 100% focused on the PRESENT. Let us learn from the Master.

Happy Investing.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp – +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh


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