“When Market and Life both are Unpredictable / Uncertain, why you talk about Financial Freedom?”

22nd February 2020

“When Market and Life both are Unpredictable / Uncertain, why you talk about Financial Freedom?”

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Greetings from Hitesh! After a long time, I got a question as mentioned above from a regular reader. What he asks may look apparently paradoxical or illogical but there is a difference in both the aspects. Most of the time – we get diverted from our purpose due to wrong questions and concerns. Let me deal with this question.

What is my take?

When I am talking about Financial Freedom, I am focusing on you. I am focusing on your needs/wants/dreams and “n” number of your desires. You will agree with me that all of them are 100% certain and real. You would wish them to satisfy, in spite of your life or market is uncertain. Am I right?

You may not know which breath will be your last but you know for certain that until you take your last breath – you will need FOOD / CLOTHING / SHELTER / MEDICINES / COMFORTS / LUXURY and many other things. You will always try to fulfill them for yourself and your family.

Market and Life are MACRO concepts. They were never in control of anybody and they will never be in control in the future.  

I am talking about MICRO concepts. You. All you have is yourself and your needs and wants. You can predict your future needs by looking at your behavior/lifestyles and habits with reasonable accuracy. When you know your NEEDS with reasonable accuracy – it is 100% possible to plan for that without any uncertainty.

However, it is quite possible that you plan for an education fund for your kid and your kid may not be interested in the study. You plan for his / her marriage and he or she may not get married. You plan for your retirement fund and you may not live that long. This is 100% possible. But the fact that you have kept the arrangement of funds will give you 100% peace of mind, in case of need arises.

How well-established people get wiped out when life changes?

Currently, the World Economy is growing at just 3% and India around 5%. This is becoming difficult to generate new jobs and keep the existing staff productively employed in a higher salary bracket. So, a guy who is having a decent income/car / regular foreign vacations may have to stop all the comforts and luxury suddenly if the company gives him a PINK SLIP, assuming he has not planned.

In the year that followed Demonetisation and GST – many established small business owners got wiped out. They had everything before that and in one day – all went away.

So, whether you are employed or self-employed – had you planned it – you would have sustained this TWIST of life easily.

Do you get BORED?

Have you seen in today’s time a kid also gets bored easily? He is in the lookout for something new every time. The same is the case with all grown-ups. They get bored with life and their situations easily. In their effort to remove the boredom they try to get into something new – new clothes / new mobile / new car / new partner and things like that. From your experience, you would have realized that your NEW became OLD the moment you got it. Your mind started looking for something new immediately after you got your desired results or things. Am I right?

Unfortunately, this boredom is not real. It is FAKE. Say you got bored with iPhone 7, so, you took 8. Then you took X. Then you took XR. Now you are waiting for 11.  In this case, while you changed the product, your nature of getting bored did not change. It remained steady with you. Challenge is to change the mind which is getting bored. Real boredom changes your life 360 degrees.

Financial Freedom can be a stepping stone to deal with your BORDOME permanently. How?

Look at the 24 Tirthankars of Jains. Look at Buddha. Look at RAM and Krishna. They all were KINGS or PRINCE. They all had a financial freedom. They also got bored with their situations. So, they went in search of permanent solutions. In the process of their search, they got the TRUTH / KAIWAL GYAN / NIRVANA or MOKSHA. You may use any word of your choice. The end results were the same.

When you are FREE with worries of Money, you will have time to think about something else. You will have time to listen to what all the great BUDDHAS have said. You will have an open mind to pick up something from them. You will work towards taking your life to the next levels. In these efforts, someday you will see that your life has changed.

All this was possible only and only because you had no MONEY tensions. In this way, FINANCIAL FREEDOM is a stepping stone to remove your boredom permanently.

Investment is a stepping stone for Financial Freedom.

Whether you accept it or not, you believe it or not, you will have to learn the fine art of investments yourself. Borrowed Gyan will not help you. You will need your own convictions to put your guts to the tests. At Destiny Management we are dealing with this educational aspect of Investments in our own style. If you see the larger picture as shared above and if you really want to come out of your boredom permanently, then you may approach us.

Wish you all a happy weekend.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp – +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh


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