Revisiting Modi’s Horoscope as per BRIGHU NANDI NADI. What it means for INDIAN STOCK MARKET?

23rd July 2019

Revisiting Modi’s Horoscope as per BRIGHU NANDI NADI. What it means for INDIAN STOCK MARKET?

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Greetings from Hitesh! During demonetisation, there was a slogan in SURAT textile market – HAMARI BHUL KAMAL KA FUL. People were very disappointed with Modi in 2016. With the passage, their anger came down. Now, the WHOLE of India has given him the FULL MAJORITY again. Looking at the first 50 days – Most educated / Business class and Middle-class guys are cursing their luck for giving MODI a second chance. With the MODIFICATION of the RTI bill, it seems he wants to go back on all his promises of TRANSPERANT practices. We are looking at his horoscope to find out the TRUTH.


This is a System of ASTROLOGICAL ANALYSES developed in the south. The beauty of this system is – you can predict just by looking at the horoscope. You don’t need much calculations. What’s more – if TIME is not correct, then also the results can be predicted with great accuracy. In the case of most public personalities – the major challenge of the ASTROLGOER is to get the correct time. With this system, any expert can give prediction with accurate time. SATURN + GURU and RAHU/KETU are used to decide the major events.

In other words, those who are not sure about their BIRTH TIME can also know their future without any doubt.

Modi’s Horoscope Details: -

As per our sources, his details are as under -17th Sep.,1950, 10.02am, Vadnagar.

As per above HOROSCOPE, we are talling 3 major incidents of his life – becoming GUJARAT CM in 2001 / PM in 2104 and PM again in 2019. There after we will see FUTURE events.

1.  Guru® + Venus + Saturn: - As per BNN (BRIGHU NANDI NADI) – this is the most positive combination and this makes the person deep into DHARMA / KARMA / POWER and MONEY. 

If you look at his life – he was born to a normal family and nobody knew him till 2001.

In this horoscope – GURU / MERCURY are retrograde. It is said that Retrograde planet take one more turn to give results. GURU has 12 years cycle – meaning it takes approx. 12 years to pass the ZODIAC. So, in October 2001, during 4th Cycle, GURU came in MITHUN RASHI along with SHANI and  RAHU was aspecting it from MESH RASHI – he got SUDDEN LOTTERY in the form of CM of GUJARAT.

GURU SHANI combination is a very powerful for DHARMA and he was roaming around India and meeting SIDDHA’s during his earlier life.

This combination gives powerful management in any situations.

2.  GURU® is also making a combination with SUN / MERCURY / KETU.  This makes him WELL READ / PERSON of REASON. GURU + SURYA gives good SOUL qualities. Look at this life till 2001, he was searching for TRUTH in his own way.

3.  2014: - Gochar Shani and GURU came together in 2014 – VRISHCHIK Rashi and KARK Rashi. They both were transitting above NATAL RAHU/MANGAL and CHANDRA.  RAHU was in KANYA Rashi aspecting NATAL RAHU and it was transiting above SUN/MERCURY and KETU.  RAHU and MERCURY made him PUBLICITY / LECTURE VIZARD. He won the election with the help of MEDIA and his LECTURES.

4.  2019: - Guru was in Vrischik Rashi, Shani was in DHANU Rahsi and Rahu was in MUTHUN Rashi. This was the most beautiful combination for ASTRO STUDENT. GURU was aspecting NATAL RAHU / SATURN was aspecting NATAL SATURN / RAHU was aspecting Natal GURU. SUN was in combination with SATRUN.  This was the reason for winning in 2019.

Current combinations and their results: -

RAHU is making combinations with SUN / MERCURY / VENUS, MARS and JUPITER.

The most analyst complained that he could have taken some BOLD steps as he had a full majority. MARS is debilated and with Mercury retrograde – he lacks GUTS and SERENITY of mind to continue on GROWTH PATH. It seems he is under some pressure to allow this kind of policies. Sun and Rahu spoil the name. 9 out of 10 guys are cursing their luck for re-selecting him. 100% of stock market guys are not happy with him. FIIs are selling their stocks. This way stars gives the results whether it is PM or a normal guy.

(If you look back – MEDIA was after him for GUJARAT RIOT Killing in 2002/ Opposition was after him for manipulating VOTING Machine – in his basic horoscope RAHU and SUN combination is there. So, name spoiling is the basic trait of this horoscope).

From 12th August onwards he will regain his SERENITY and he will come back with some positive steps. From October 2019 onwards – there will be a lot of positive changes in his working style and policies. People will like that. He will have rocking 2020 in terms of his management power and his decision. I would suggest him to take care of this health in the coming year.


What it means for MARKET?

In June 2019, I have predicted we are heading for MAJOR TEJI in next year. You can read that post. I see the right kind of policy measures will be taken and it will lift the morals of the market. If you are smart – see this as a BUYING OPPORTUNITY. That’s why we have been telling this period as BUYER’S PARADISE.

The big bull Rakesh is adding TITAN and other stocks in the current market as per today’s MEDIA REPORTS. This is the best thing SMART people will do now.

What it means for Investors?

Life and Market follows CYCLE. If you buy in the lower cycle, you will earn tons of money when the market reaches the top. So, make your choice.

We provide FREE personal guidance based on various streams of ASTROLOGY to all our clients. If you need any guidance, you can approach us.

Wish you all a HAPPY INVESTING.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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