Master Strategy for making tons of money by HARIDAS – Tansen’s Guru – If you have suffered losses, then this is must read.

1st May 2019
Master Strategy for making tons of money by HARIDAS – Tansen’s Guru – If you have suffered losses, then this is must read.
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Greetings from Hitesh! Today we are leaning investment success from a very unusual source. He had nothing to do with Investments but still, if followed, you will see marked change in your life and investment success. Let me share the strategy.
Dialogue between AKBAR and TANSEN: -
Akbar was very much impressed with TANSEN’s Music and one he said that “I don’t think there would be anybody who could play better music then you”. Tansen was honest and he said I am nobody in front of my GURU.
Akbar said please call him and let us listen to his music. Tansen said he would not come. If you want to listen, we will have to go to his place to listen. Moreover, he would not play as per our convenience. He will play only if he has a mood to play. So, Akbar agreed to go to HARIDAS place.
Haridas was staying in a HUT near GANGA. He was playing early in the morning at around 3 am. Akbar and Tansen went to his hut and they hide on the back side of the HUT to listen to the MUSIC.
From the beginning till the end AKBAR’s was lost in the music. His eyes were filled with tears of joy. When they reached to the PALACE, AKBAR asked TANSEN – you were right. Your skills are nothing in front of your GURU. How come you are not able to play as good as your GURU?
Tansen Replied – “He is playing because he has got something. I am playing because I want to get something. He is playing for the GOD. I am playing for the KING of India”
How to apply this strategy while investing?
90% of the investors focus on the return they will earn while investing their capital. Say they want to earn 20% per annum. So, they will try to find out investment ideas which will generate those kinds of return. 90% of the guys will get ready to invest only and only if they are going to get some return. More the return, more the motivation for them to invest.
In the process, they will focus more on 20% than 100% of the capital they have. Sub-consciously, it means that 20% extra, they may earn on their capital in the future, is more important to them, then 100% they have got in their hand. They don’t appreciate the 100% they have but they will feel happy only and only if they have added that little 20% at the end of the year.  
Since they ignore 100%, 90% of the traders and investors are the losers at the end.
The way TANSEN was the PUPPET of AKBAR, normal investors become the puppet of market manipulators due to their expectations and desires to make fast money.
He was playing music out of JOY. He had nothing to gain by playing the music. His Music was the expression of inner joy.
Same way BUFFETT invests for the business he likes. He has nothing to gain.
Lord Krishna has assured us that all our KARMA’s will be rewarded, irrespective of our desire for reward or no desire for reward. When KARMA’s are done without expectations – all our energy goes in the performance of KARMA in the best way. When you are focused 100% on doing your KARMA (investments) you will focus more on your CAPITAL i.e. what you have. And when you focus on what you have, by default you will get the best.
All smart guys know this and they play by the rule of GURU HARIDAS.   
What Next?
Nobody is smarter than MARKET or GOD or NATURE or EXISTENCE. You can use any name. The only way to outsmart the market is to surrender to the market without any expectations and the market will give you the best, you deserve.
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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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