Crude in above USD 71. What Next?

Tuesday, 09 April 2019

Crude in above USD 71. What Next?

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Greeting from Hitesh! With the grace of my MASTER and the GOD almighty, I really feel blessed when I go correct time after time in predicting the Stock Market / Bullion or Crude.  

On 10th January we wrote a post on CRUDE and in the same we gave following categorical advice.

What is my FRESH CALL on CRUDE Now?

My system tells me that CRUDE may be the commodity of 2019. There are more chances of CRUDE crossing all time high or making fresh multiyear high then CRUDE going down.

This call is for total 2019 and not for DAY TRADERS or
MONTHLY traders. This call is for guys with patience and vision for a year. 

If you are considering buying CRUDE, you will bless me in 2019.

What happened since then?

On January 10th, 2019, the crude rate was USD 61. Today it has crossed USD 71. This is just beginning as per my system. I see crude moving up as told above during the year.

Those who believed in our call looking at our long and successful track record are happy now. They will be happier going forward.

What NEXT?

I am getting many requests to teach INVESTMENT THROUGH ASTROLOGY. If you are interested in the same let me know on my WhatsApp and we will share those details with you.

Those who want to take advantage of INVESTMENT ADVISORY, they can also approach us.

You can also approach us for personal guidance for any personal or professional issues. We will guide you with astrology.  


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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