Where is Indian Stock Market Heading now? Our latest call.

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Where is Indian Stock Market Heading now? Our latest call.

Greetings from Hitesh! After a robust July, people are asking what next in market? We are dealing with that in this post.

Normal Guy is interested in two possibilities only. He wants to be exactly told what to buy or what to sell. He is not ready for more than these two possibilities. This is one of the reasons that the guys in Media and at TOP can take them for a RIDE.

Today we are taking help from SYAAD VAD given by BHAGWAN MAHAVIR. He talked about 7 possibilities of any events happening or nor happening. These possibilities are most logical but very few would be applying them in their day today life.

The beauty of them is that they can be applied almost in any area. Today we would apply them to Market and see the results.

Let us ask the question – Will market go up from here?

Syād-asti — "in some ways it is" :- The first possibility says – YES, but in some way. May be your stocks move up or Nifty move up. If you have position in both, you may feel that market is moving up for you.

Syād-nāsti — "in some ways it is not":- Second possibility says – NO, but in some ways. While your friend is making money, your stocks are not moving, and you may feel market is not moving up for you.

Syād-asti-nāsti — "in some ways it is and it is not" :- The above two possibilities are mostly followed by all and easy to understand also. But from third onwards all possibilities require a very open mind towards EXISTENCE/MARKET. Market may move up in some ways and may not move up in some ways when looked from your investment perspective. Some scrips may move up and some may not. The result is not much profit for you or not much loss for you.

Syād-asti-avaktavya "in some ways it is and it is indescribable":- This becomes little heavy on the MIND. Market has moved up in some way but you are not able to describe or give logical reasons. This stage guys in the market operates from GUT feelings. They feel market will go down or up from within and they take actions. But they can’t explain you why they feel, what they feel. Many times – you know market is moving up or stock is moving up, but you can’t find out the reasons behind it.

Syād-nāsti-a- vaktavya "in some ways it is not and it is indescribable":-

This is opposite of what is said above. You feel that market is not moving, or stock is nor moving but you can’t explain the same.

Syād-asti-nā- sti-avaktavya "in some ways it is, it is not and it is indescribable":-

This is another major stage. You feel, market is moving in some ways, not moving in some ways but can’t explain.

If you have been seeing all the six possibilities above, it has a major factor – YOU. You want to know, you want to control, you want to make profit. So, in final stage, Mahavir says …..7th possibility.

Syād-avaktavy- a "in some ways it is indescribable":-

You can’t explain. It’s a matter of surrendering you. Surrendering your EGO. When you surrender your EGO to market, you become one with market and then whatever you do, it will be 100% right.

The HIDDEN SECRET of the above 7 steps?

Buddhism and Jainism, makes it a point to leave the EGO to reach to NIRVANA or KAIWAL GYAN. Most other religions talk about SURRENDER from the day one – like HINDUISM / MUSLIMS / CHRISTIANITY.

Now, if EGO is there, you can’t surrender and if you have surrendered, you can’t have EGO. Both are the two approaches to reach to the EXISTENE.

So, in JAINISM they have provided steps to leave the EGO. The above steps if followed with 100% honesty with yourself, you will be able to leave all your EGO by the time you reach to the 7th STEP.  

How to apply this to any situations in your life?

Most guys are not interested in MOKSHA/NIRVANA or KAIWAL GYAN. They are interested in health, wealth and happiness in their life. They want materialistic benefits and for them the above steps are also equally important.

Say you have a fight with your spouse and you want to take divorce. Apply above steps.

1.  I am right. Spouse is wrong, and I must take divorce.

2.  I am wrong. Spouse is right, and I should not take divorce.

3.  I am right in some ways and wrong in some ways with my spouse.

4.  I am right in some ways, but can’t explain.

5.  I am wrong in some ways, but can’t explain.

6.  In some way I am right and wrong also. But can’t explain.

7.  I can’t explain why I want Divorce.

When you reach to the 7th step, you will realise that the main point is that your EGO is bigger than your LOVE for your spouse in your relationships. This will lead you to the right action automatically. Now, you don’t need to be told what you should do. Whatever you will do, will be right only.

What NEXT?

Many guys are still sitting on FENCE and they are still thinking about two possibilities – to follow HITESH PARIKH or not to follow HITESH PARIKH. I suggest, you apply above 7 steps and see the results.

Have a Happy Sunday.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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