Most NORMAL investors are suffering from DURYODHAN SYNDROM as of now. How to deal with that?
27 June 2018
NORMAL investors are suffering from DURYODHAN SYNDROM as of now. How to deal
with that?
from Hitesh! Our last three posts – one on NARENDRA MODI’s coming time, 2nd
- How to deal with losses and 3rd - TRUMP’s game plan have been
appreciated by our regular readers and I thank all of them for their time in
reading my posts and giving me their valuable feedback. I see NORMAL investor
are suffering from DURYODHAN SYNDROM now a day. So, let us deal with that.
Mahabharat, Duryodhan has said following dialogue and which is the case with
most of the investors today. Let us see what he said.
dharmam na cha me pravrutthih janamyadharmam na cha me nivrutthih |
kenaapi devena hrudhisthithena yatha niyuktosmi thatha karomi ||
kenaapi devena hrudhisthithena yatha niyuktosmi thatha karomi ||
Which means, I know
what is dharma (=righteousness), yet I cannot get myself to follow it! I know
what is adharma, yet I cannot retire from it! O Lord of the senses! You dwelt
in my heart and I will do as you impel me to do.
normal investor have following feelings as of now.
1. I should have sold my shares in
January only.
2. I should not have bought shares when
small and mid-caps were at the top.
3. I should have listen to Hitesh Parikh
and bought shares when market was down in 2010 to 2013.
4. I knew it market is over heated still
I bought the shares.
5. I knew it market can come down any
time, still I bought the shares.
are some of the thoughts which NORMAL investors are grappling with at this
war between SHOULD do and SHOULD not do: -
the years our generations after generations have been misguided with SHOULD DO and
SHOULD NO DO Rules. They have gone into our DNA and whichever religion we follow,
these should and should not do will always be there.
have seen many investors friends telling me that they would like to invest more
and more if Market CORRECTS. Now, when market is down, they are not ready to
invest!! When the shares move up after some time – the same guys will come and
tell me – I should have invested at that time. Many who are very near to me
have told me in the past that – WHY YOU DID NOT FORCE ME TO INVEST when market
was down?
MAGIC of SHOULD have feelings: -
feelings lead to self-guilt and self-condemnation. They help you procrastinate
the things which you should be doing to correct your mistake at this point of time.
If you are honest with in – you will see that from the day one you were not
interested in doing something and that was the real reason for not doing it. Had
you really wanted to do, rather than thinking about should have or should have
not, you will get into correcting your mistakes. But you are passing time in
NORMAL Guy may say I have invested my real money in stocks. So, it’s not about
are right. You have invested your hard-earned money and I appreciate that. But,
how you can say that you have done something wrong?
whole criteria about judging your investment is based on only one factor – PRICE
MOVEMENT. If it moves up after your investment, you think you are right. If it
moves down after your investment, you think you are wrong. Am I right?
belief that price should move up is your real problem and not the investment. Look
at the company, is there anything wrong with it? Has the production stopped?
Has the sales stopped? Has the company closed? You have 100s of quality indicators
to judge the company and your own performance, but all your focus is just on
price movement. This is the reason for your DURYODHAN SYNDROM.
why BUFFETT always invests in businesses and not in shares!!
happened to DURYODHAN can happen to you: -
is probably the only dialogue he said to Lord Krishna when Krishan went to HASTINAPUR
to avoid WAR.
our NORMAL guys, DURYODHAN was also not SERIOUS for what he was talking. He
just said in front of all to make them feel that he also has morals and ethics.
But he did not give 5 villages to PANDAVA and fought the war and you know he was
killed brutally by BHIM.
next time you talk about SHOULD HAVE DONE or SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE – be 100%
honest with yourself. If you are also saying for the sake of saying – you will
also face the destiny of DURYODHAN.
you HONESTLY feel that you SHOULD NOT HAVE, then appoint a personal mentor to guide
you through the investment jungle. If you like our approach, you can contact us.
a Great Time.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or
on Whatsapp
- +91-9869425399.
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