“Market is at all time high, where should I invest Now?”

Friday, January 12, 18

“Market is at all time high, where should I invest Now?”

Greetings from Hitesh! I keep on getting questions from readers and this one is the latest. Many guys would have this question – So I thought let me deal with this. Let me share a meaningful STORY OF GURU DHRON’S DEATH in MAHABHARAT before I deal with this question. This story has the real force.


Most are aware but still I will write in few lines.

The news reached to GURU that ASHWATHAMA is DEAD. He had decided no to fight the WAR if ASHWATHAMA is no more. He wanted to confirm the same from YUDHISTHIR.

YUDHISTHIR replied – “ASHWATHAMA is DEAD. But not sure whether it is ELEPHANT or your son”. It is said that last part was not HEARD by GURUJI and he went into terrible GRIEF. He left the WAR and sat in MEDITATION only to be killed by DHRISHTADHUMNA, the brother of DRAUPADI.


I will share some of the events of GURU DHRON’s life.

1.  When EKLAVYA approached him for learning – HIS HEART told him to teach. But he did not listen to his HEART.
2.  When KARNA approached him for learning – HIS HEART told him to teach. But he did not listen to his HEART.
3.  When he TOOK the THUMB of EKLAVYA just to please the ARJUNA, he did not listen to his HEART.
4.  When DRAUPADI was insulted in the COURET – he did not like it but this time also he did not listen to his HEART.
5.  He did not want to fight from KAURVA side but he did not listen to his heart.

These are some of the major events when GURUJI did not listen to the TRUTH from his HEART. In short, he lost the abilities to listen to the TRUTH.

So, when YUDHITHIR told the TRUTH – DESTINY did not allow him to LISTEN. It was a NATURE’S way to take revenge against HIM.

What STAR FUND MANAGERs are suggesting NOW?

Till now they were talking about TEJI, TEJI and only TEJI. They have changed their tune towards market downtrend in last week. They are forcefully asking normal guys to do SIP in their funds.

It does not look like an ADVICE but it looks like an ORDER. All guys are talking the same language and our small investor, not used to listen to the TRUTH, is taken for a ride.

What is the call of the SMARTEST INVESTORS?

Buffett has always said one simple investment principle, BE FEARFULL when OTHERS ARE GREEDY.

Curtis Faith of TURTLE TRADER FAME had once said “In investing and trading, the vast market consists of amateurs….

1.   Who are looking for magical answers to make lots of money quickly and with little risk.
2.   They want specific ideas.
3.   They want to be told exactly what to do.

Those looking for such things will not find them. They will not be successful as long as they continue to favor the easy over the truth”.

What is the plight of NORMAL GUYS?

Like GURU DHRON they have lost the ability to listen to their HEART. They are not ready to give ears to the TRUTH. They want some QUICK FIX solutions to make money.

They know that they are doing something wrong by following ready made ideas of experts / they are doing something wrong by not learning the fine art of investments, but for some reasons – they switch off their HEART’s voice and carry on their life as an HOPEFUL investor.

When it comes to Investing they are sitting just like DHRON was sitting in KURUSHETRA waiting for DHRISHTADHUMNA (Mutual fund guys / SIP guys / CHIT FUNDS and other fly by night operators). Since they have not listened to their HEART in the PAST – they find it difficult to listen to HITESH PARIKH NOW.

What is TRUTH, which you must UNDERSTND at this HOUR?

To win the game of investing, you must equip yourself with the proper education of science of investment. There are no short cuts towards it. Once you are properly educated you will be able to deal with all the situations in the market. Whether all time high or all time low.

If you like to follow the path of TRUTH and make everlasting wealth for yourself and your generations, please approach us.

Wish you all a very HAPPY MAKARSHANKRANTI.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.



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