December 4, 17


Greetings from Hitesh!  When big guys crakes a joke, it takes a time for normal guys to understand. Most of the followers and readers of the WARREN BUFFETT will be aware about his famous rules of investing. Let me repeat that. Buffett has always quoted these two rules of investing.

I always follow two rules in investing.

1.   Never Lose Money
2.   Always remember Rule Number 1.

Most NORMAL guys quote these two rules when they approach the investing. They believe that there can’t be a loss, if you follow Buffett approach. This is the biggest misconception on the part of the NORMAL guys and joke from BUFFET side.

Why it is a joke for NORMAL Guy?

Just read annual letters by BUFFETT and you will see he has booked losses lot of time over a period of last 50 plus years, he has made tons of mistakes and missed number of opportunities also. So, in reality what he has told in above rules and what he writes in his annual letters both are not matching. I will go with the ANNUAL LETTERS as they are talking about the FACTS while the RULES may be seen as a MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKERS TIP.

But BUFFETT is the most comprehensive thinker we have ever known and when he says two opposite things – it must have some meanings.

What is the meaning of “NEVER LOSE MONEY”?

Look at his life style. He is staying in the same house for the last 50 years. He drives his car. He picks up and drops his guests at the airport by himself. He always tells never spend money for things you don’t need or else you will have to sell things you need.

For BUFFETT – “NEVER LOSE MONEY” is a very comprehensive terms and it applies to all aspects of LIFE and not to only investments, as being understood by masses.

When you APPLY “NEVER LOSE MONEY” to all areas of your life – you will have more and more money for investment and you will have more and more possibilities for making new money.

Where is your BIGGEST LOSS coming from?

Normal guys biggest loss comes from life style related expenses, which are not mostly need oriented but mostly to keep up with his or her friends and neighbours. I see many guys with 2-3 mobiles / 2-3 cars and many such things. It is normal to find unpacked boxes of things lying in the storage areas of many houses. The things, which you buy and do not use is 100% loss according to BUFFETT.

So, if you want to follow Buffett rule, you will have to look at your life and expenses very closely.

What NEXT?

When great guys or saints say something – it has a deep meaning but normal guys picks up according to his or her level of understanding and comforts. This creates a communication gap. This gap is results in the level of success between them and us. 


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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh

Your Personal Destiny Manager.


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