Are We Heading for 2008 kind of CRASH? Part 2

October 25, 17

Are We Heading for 2008 kind of CRASH? Part 2

Greetings from Hitesh! I wish you all a very healthy and happy new year. On 28th May, I had written my bold call about coming fall in the market. Many laughed it, many were skeptical and many were giving ears to us with 100% attention. Today I am dealing with the PART 2. In this I will talk about the timing of the FALL.

Let us see what has happened in last 100 years?

I will take 3 big falls in last 100 years and reasons behind the same. I have used DOW INDEX data, as it is the only available index in last 100 years.

1.     Fall of 1929 to 1931. This was the starting of BIGGEST EVER MANDI in the world market. Dow index was 307 on 2nd January 1929 and it was 78 on 31st Dec.1931. 75% FALL.

2.     Fall of 1958 to 1961. During this period the market fall in 1959 to 1960. Dow was 678 on 31/12/1959 and it fell to 615 on 31/12/1960. During this period the fall was moderate compared to 1929-1931.

3.     Fall of 1987. This year we saw Dow going down by 508 points or 22% in a single day in October. Later on market recovered in 1988 and 1989.


Each of the market falls has happened after 30 years. During all the falls, SATRUN was in DHANU RASHI (SAGITARIUS). Saturn transit in each of the sign for 30 months and all the above events happened during that 30 months period.

Saturn is entering DHANU RAHI on 26th October 2017 and it will be there till 20/1/2020. It will be in DHANU RASHI for about 26 months.

What happens when SATURN TRANSIT through DHANU RASHI?

Saturn influences the qualities of the sign and place where it is transiting in ones horoscope. It was in VRISHCHIK RASHI for the last 30 months. VRISCHIK RASHI is a WATER ELEMENT. Water means liquidity. Look at the events – we have seen the world over WATER related natural calamities and liquidity related market movements. We had NOTE BAN during this period only in India. In short, all liquid assets moved up and down, be it cash or market.

DHANU is a FIRE Element. So, we will see the events like fire – man made fire like events say WAR or nature made fire / activation of volcanoes or earth quakes. Normally, FIRE evaporates the WATER and we can see severe liquidity related issues in India and World for XYZ reasons.

When WAR like events or Liquidity related issues comes up – normally market goes down. Looking at this possibilities – we had given a bold call for market fall. The period is from 26th October 2017 to 20th January 2020.

Will MARKET go down this time like last 90 years?

If you look at the last 90 years – the market has fallen severely only in 1929 – 1931 period. It has not fallen much in next 2 cycles. The reason being there are 12 planets and they all must agree to the FALL, which normally does not happen in one go. So, we will have ups and down depending on various factors. We will keep updating to our clients from time to time.

How do we see Indian Market?

Government is in a FIX for its unplanned steps like GST and Note Ban. They fear loss in GUJARAT election and dates are not being declared yet. Govt has planned to disinvest 7 PUBLIC SECTOR UNITS in next quarter. They want to raise 75000 crs from the Market. 

In short, economy is down due to their steps and only saving grace is market up move for them. They will take some or the other steps to keep market up. Yesterday, they declared refinancing of the banks and today market opened with 300 points gap up. So, they will keep on taking some or the other steps to shore up the market.

Unless there are some DRASTIC NEGATIVE events, which can affect the WORLD and India, I don’t see Major fall at least till BUDGET. Traditionally, Indian market has always maintained positive trend during OCTOBER to FEBRUARY period. So, depending on BUDGET DATE – market should maintain uptrend.

What we said about MODI on 17th September 2017?

Appreciate the accuracy of our system. We had categorically said following in our post while reading Modi’s horoscope :-

2nd Call:-

However, this time he will be forced to make lot of ADJUSTMENTS to accommodate the views of his party men. I see his PARTY guys will raise voices against his way of working and its effect on coming election.

This will affect the performance of the GOVT and IMAGE of the MODI will take a beating. (It is already negative as of now).

Just see he is facing music from all around India and mainly from his own party guys. Many are leaving BJP and joining oppositions.

What will be the IDEAL way to play in the market?

Nature is all about balance and it maintains its equilibrium in its own way. Poor guys walk for food and rich guys walk to digest food. This is a beautiful way of nature. Same thing will happen in market. The sectors, which were beaten down in last 30 months, will come up and sectors, which were moving, will move down. The smart way is to KNOW them and buy those sectors and enjoy the market without much worrying about INDEX.

What NEXT?

Close to 5 months after our call – most guys are talking about coming FALL in the market. After our call – JIM ROGERS and MARC FABER also spoke about the fall. Most Indian MEDIA and EXPERTS are waking up slowly. Money making in market requires VISON for the coming events in much ADVANCE and taking action before everybody joins the GAME. By the GRACE of MY GURU, I have been doing this very successfully since 2008. If you really want to make tons of money, just join us.


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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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