Definition of RIGHT INVESTMENTS for NORMAL INVESTORS V/s Rakesh and Buffett

Tuesday, August 29, 17

Definition of RIGHT INVESTMENTS for NORMAL INVESTORS V/s Rakesh and Buffett

Greetings from Hitesh! From Hong Kong to Houston all are facing Natural calamities. With the GRACE of GOD, we have been categorically in predicting such kind of events.

On Friday, April 14, 17 – we wrote How do we see the coming year for India and Indian Public based on SUN INGRESS CHART of MESH RASHI? – PART – 2 FINAL.

In the same we had categorically mentioned about market -  MANGAL and SHUKRA :-

Mangal in 5th house aspected by JUPITER and Shukra in 3rd house also aspected by JUPITER  makes it positive for India and Indian Share market. It indicates lot of investment will happen / lot of support will come from FRIENDLY countries and lot of money will flow in India.

The game will become more interesting post June 2017. The market would continue to elude the most people.

The challenge would be to ENCASH the GAINS for the participants – big or small.
As told market made new high and money is flowing like water in Hong Kong and HOUSTON.

Time and again we have told in our blog from June 2016 that we see issues in NORHT / NORTH EAST / EAST and SOUTH EAST. Look at the accuracy of our system. All the negative events are happening in those areas only.

Today we are going to deal with the question of RIGHT INVESTMETNS.


Before we deal with right investments – let us deal with the origin of RIGHT and WRONG in normal guys.

Sources of right and wrong for everything in our life are based on our Morals / Ethics / Religions we follow / Country / Social background / Education. There can be many more sources also. The point is – we have been conditioned to do the right things from the early age.

The obsession to do right things is reflected in all areas of normal person’s life. I was thinking about the meaning of RIGHT THING. The meaning of doing RIGHT THING in the normal parlance is the thing which gives some benefit in terms of money / name / fame or heaven at the end of life. The results should come FAST or IMMEDIATE in order to be RIGHT!!

So, for NORMAL guy RIGHT investment is something, which ends in PROFIT ASAP!! If it does not give PROFIT – it is wrong investment. The right life is something, which gives HEAVEN after death.  Right KARMA is something, which gives PUNYA. In short, right means PROFITABLE in one way or the other for NORMAL GUYS!!

90% of the guys operate with this obsession of profit when they go to MARKET. The remaining 10% has nothing to do. They just have to play the REVERSE of this 90% and they end up making tons of money.

Let me SHARE example of RAKESH.

He bought FORTIS HEALTHCARE shares in 2015 at 119. From 2015 to 2017 it moved up around 220/- but he did not sell. Recently, the shares fell to 126 and he added some more shares at Rs.135.

Now, if you talk to the NORMAL guy, he may say RAKESH has made a mistake by not selling at 220. Looking at the NEWS FLOW about the management of the company – many normal guy would not invest in such company. But this is the difference between NORMAL and RAKESH.

If you look at above – he has not earned a PENNY out of his investments so far. Still he invested more money!! For FIXED INCOME lovers (INTEREST EARNING MENTALITY GUYS) – this is shocking. How come a capital is blocked for 3 years and not earning a penny??

Another difficulty for RAKESH is – he can’t sell his shares in one go now. If he sells – there would be no buyers. So, he has to wait till there are buyers ready for his shares. Still he is investing CRORES in this company. What is his definition of RIGHT INVESTMENTS?

He added SPICE JET around Rs.18 some years back. JP ASSOCIATE around Rs.5 last year. Look at the prices of these companies now. When he was investing he was also following his formula of RIGHT INVESTMENT.

How RAKESH and BUFFETT decide RIGHT INVESTMENTS for themselves?

On April 30, 17 we wrote our post with title - Can You Think on something that you don’t know? In the same we had explained the FACT about THINKING.

You can’t think on any subject, unless you know that subject properly.

If you KNOW – you don’t need to THINK and if you Don’t know – you can’t think. In both the ways – you are wasting your time or losing opportunity by giving “LET ME THINK” dialogue.

How RAKESH and WARREN BUFFETT Follow this?

They do not think. They collect the FACTS, study the same and invests in the company if it fits in there parameters. They always focus on company – as it is 100% possible to collect most of the information for any company they wish to study. They never talk about MARKET, as they or anybody can’t know the market 100% in one life time or 100 life times.

They never give the dialogue – let me think. Either they know or they don’t know. If they know – they do not think before investing billions in that company. If they do not know – they do not invest a single penny in that.

The TRICK is to KNOW and not to THINK!!

So, the base of right investment is to KNOW more and more about the company we want to invest. When we know, we will not bother about the price movement in short term. When you know – “you can start with the END in mind” as Mr.STEPHEN COVEY always used to say.

What NEXT?

Our mind is conditioned deeply due to various factors and it takes conscious efforts on our parts if we want to achieve success like legendary investors.

One of the ways is to be with us. I assure you, you will pick up the art of KNOWING and doing RIGHT INVESTMENTS.

Have a great week ahead.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 /

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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