Are you preparing or educating your kids for JOB? Than – you must read this real life story.

September 8, 16

Are you preparing or educating your kids for JOB? Than – you must read this real life story.

Greetings from Hitesh! Our last post on August 24, 2016 - WHY USA and WARREN BUFFETT are not buying GOLD? – was super successful. Many new friends joined in the last week of the August and just see in last 7 days market is up by around 2000 points!! We had boldly said that we are entering into most eventful month of 2016. Those who listened to BON JOVI’s song ---- 

It's my life 
It's now or never 
I ain't gonna live forever 
I just want to live while I'm alive

And what ANTHONY ROBBINS SAID  “In the moment of your DECISION – your DESINY is SHAPED” they took DRASTIC and FAST Actions in joining us.

Today I am going to talk about how destiny is SHAPED? Just read this STORY.

Here GOES the STORY…..

It was lunchtime and guys from the company came out of the GATE. There was a SHOP of BATATA VADA near the gate and it was normal for the LUNCH guys to go there and have VADA PAV or BATATA VADA.

One day a manager from the company asked the OWNER of the shop – Don’t you think you are wasting your life and talent? Had you studied you would have been working in such big office and would be enjoying like me? I have a CHAUFFER DRIVEN COMPANY CAR / FREE Insurance / Pensions / stock options everything you can dream.

The owner listened to him patiently. He said, Sir, I did not get the opportunity to study. So, when I came to MUMBAI – I used to work hard selling BATA VADA in TRAIN. It took me 15 years to reach to own this shop. While I started selling bata vada – you would have joined as a JUNIOR in your company and today you are MANAGER earning Rs.1 lakh per month with the above benefits.

Today I am earning Rs.2 lakh per month. My son when he grows up will not have to pass through the HARD SHIP what I passed through and he will become the owner from the day one. May be he will expand business by FRANCHISE model. But when I look at you – you are living in UNCERTAINY of PAY CHEQUES every month due to MANDI / Your son will have no ready platform to start with but just a degree of outdated course/ he will also have to struggle from junior to senior level the way you have grown up. Coming back to CAR – I have my own CAR. I have NO LOANS or CREDIT CARD pending for PAYMENT.  I have enough wealth so I do not have to worry about PENSION and FREE INSURANCE. Now, tell me – who is wasting life and talent? By the way my shop is worth Rs.5 crs now!!

Manager was STUNNED by such an explanation. He just paid for VADA and went inside the company!!


Normal guy prefers SECURITY / SURE SHOT and GAURANTEE in whatever he wants to do/seek or achieve. He would make his child study only those courses, which can get him well paying JOB or SECURE JOB.

He is READY to sell his SOUL for a secure job. Many times people are ready to suffer the MISHANDLING / exploitation in the job/life just for the sake of SURITY / SECURITY and GAURANTEE.


The attitude of SECURITY prevails over here also. Rather than learning INVESTMETNS / LEARNING to TAKE LITTLE RISK they go for READY MADE investment VEHICLES.

If XYZ mutual fund can give you 12-16% return per annum after paying tons of money to their CELEBRITY FUND MANAGERS / SALARY of other staff and other expenses of running business – how much would be their REAL RETURNS?

How much return you on your own can generate – if you just invest directly in EQUITIES?, without above expenses.

On an average a good trader trained under our system generates 5-7% per month. If with little study and patience we can help our client generate this much – how much a well-informed and well-connected mutual fund manager would be generating? How come you are not earning those kinds of returns?

But NORMAL guys have no time to think on all these issues, as he is just busy keeping his JOB SECURE / worrying for his next credit card payment or housing loan EMIs.

It’s your life and you can live the way you think fit for you. But let me give you one good warning – you will never have REAL HAPPINESS or REAL SATISFACTION in your life as you are always cutting corners.


Today we are celebrating 100th year of GANPATI WORSHIPPING, which LOK MANAY TILAK had started way back in 1916!! He had said:- Swaraj Mera Janamsiddha adhikar hai, aur main ise laker rahoonga".


What NEXT?

LEARN investments and you will be able to leave a PLATFORM for your kids. They will have a CHOICE to do the JOB or to start something of their own. They will be able to become CEO of their own start up from the DAY one. What you could not do – at least, let them do.

If you want to learn the investments and create tons of wealth for yourself and your generations – please join us NOW. You don’t need to sell BATA VADA or do CHAMCHA GIRI of your BOSSES. Be with me for 3 years and you will bless me for life.

MAY LORD GANESHA, the LORD of INTELLIGENCE, HELP you take right decisions.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 /

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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