Can Hitesh Parikh and Warren Buffett’s investment thoughts MATCH?

June 14, 16

Can Hitesh Parikh and Warren Buffett’s investment thoughts MATCH?

Greetings from Hitesh! For the last 3 weeks we have been dealing with SUCCESS in its details. The purpose was to deal with the core of subject so that one can understand success in totality. Most investors who failed in Investments / trading have various misconceptions about success. So, the time was devoted to success.

We have not touched our original subject i.e. investments in last 3 weeks. So, let us go back to it.

Hitesh Parikh V/s Warren Buffett:-

Can there be similarities between our thoughts when it comes to investments? Let me share two of the MAJORE CALLS, we have done and they are coming exactly the same.

Call on CRUDE:-

We have given a bold call to BUY CRUDE way back on 20th DECEMBER 2015. In January, we came to know that WARREN BUFFETT has bought stake in oil refinery Phillip 66. His logic was also simple that CRUDE will go up and the refinery will benefit more.

In the above incidence we both had the similar thoughts – ahead of the EXPERTS in the market. Most experts were talking that CRUDE will go DOWN further.

Now, let me deal with another major call where we both have the same attitude.

Our CALL on USA :-

On Sunday, August 23, 15 – we had written our post titled - Why USA is burning? How it can affect World Market? Must read for NRIs staying in USA. ( you can read the full post on our BLOG)

In the same I had read the HOROSCOPE of USA and predicated BOLDLY that -

How is Current SAYAN TRANSIT:- 

Currently RAHU is in LIBRA in 5th house, combining with Saturn and Neptune of Natal chart. Uranus is passing through Aries and it’s in 11th house with KETU. URANUS and KETU are aspecting transit RAHU and natal SATURN/NAPTUNE in fifth house. Pluto is transiting in CAPRICORN from the NATAL Pluto!! The passing of Pluto on Pluto from the 8th house (house of DEATH) is the major issues going on in USA now.

Neptune is passing in Pisces in 10th house. It is aspecting transiting SUN / MERCURY and JUPITER in Virgo. Just see they are extending DEBT limit / issuing QE and creating an Illusion of GRWOTH!! It shows GOVT is also in some Illusion or supporting this Illusion.

Astrologically – RAHU / URANUS / PLUTO are affecting WEST and NOTH WEST area of USA. All the five states WASHINGTON / Oregon / California / IDAHO and Montana are coming in WEST and NORTH WEST AREA Zone in USA map.

What it MEANS FOR USA and USA based NRIs?:-

These stars indicate a challenging time for USA and people staying in USA. We have been boldly telling our NRIs in USA to transfer their money in India and invest in India. We have already given a BOLD call that USD will touch Rs.35 to Rs.45 in the long run.

We have also suggested don’t go to USA for settlement NOW – if you are going FRESH as coming times as per STARS do not look positive.

We are negative in USA Stocks from this day. Nobody was so categorical about USA as we were in last AUGUST.

Now we have got a WARREN BUFFETT filing to SEC, which proves that he is also NEGATIVE on USA. Just click the link and you can read yourself.

This is another major call of Hitesh Parikh, which tallies with WARREN BUFFET and GEORGE SOROS.

What NEXT?

This post is just to share our expertise in reading the market. WARRNE BUFFETT also doing what we are telling you – makes us very proud of our skill sets and we praise THE LORD for blessing us with such SKILL SETS.

I think - this is the BEST TESTIMONIAL for our skills.

If you want to take advantage of the same – please contact us.


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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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