V/s. – an Interesting Study

Monday, May 16, 16 V/s. – an Interesting Study

Good Morning! Today is Monday and I wish you a Great Start of the Week. Wish you have a pleasant week ahead. Recently, a parent approached me for Horoscope matching. He was trying all the options for the marriage of his SON. I suggested him that he can try the above sites. He said – I agree with you for but why should I try  My son is BACHELOR. He got little offended with my suggestion but could not say as anything to me as I was consulting him FREE.

After he left – I went into thoughts and here is what I found?

How NORMAL GUY behaves?

He goes for all BRAND NEW from the day one. Be it clothes / shoes / watch / mobile / pen / computer / house / life partner / school books. You name it and they would prefer NEW compared to second hand. In fact, many would like to go for only BRANDED NEW CLOTHES when they are launched and things like that. Many would go for the FASHION GARMENTS when it is launched for the FIRST time. They would not touch them once everybody starts following the same FASHION. Am I right?

However, there are two areas where MOST NORMAL guys go for SECOND HAND. One of the TWO is investment and we will deal with that today.


This is 100% paradoxical behaviour. They all want to earn money first hand through their job or business but when it comes to investing such HARD EARNED money - they go for SECOND HAND Investments. They choose Mutual Funds / SIPs and Things like that.

What could be the REASONS for such behaviour?

There can be many reasons. It can be Genuine Time issue / fear of failure / limited knowledge / confidence issue and many more. There can’t be any single reasons for such behaviour. Moreover, these reasons keep on changing with the time.

However, the main reason is FEAR OF SUPER SUCCESS. Yes. Let me deal with that.

How much money you want to make?

Over the last 25 years, I have been asking the above questions to my prospective clients. Not a single client has ever answered that he wants to make Rs.100 Cr plus from share market investments. Their brain has no answer for “WHAT WILL THEY DO WITH Rs.100 Cr?”

Deep down they have a FEAR of SUPER SUCCESS more than the FEAR of MEDIOCRE FAILURE.

How you CREATE your Future?

Your inner thoughts decide your behaviour and your behaviour decides your results. Now, when you have DEEP FEAR such as given above – I have no surprise that you go for SECOND HAND investment avenues.

How to change your inner thoughts?

You can change your limiting thoughts with PROPER EDUCATION. That is the only way. At Destiny Management we spend 90% of the time in education only. With education our clients – set the NEW LIMITS and they go on doing that. Once they get into the habits of setting the limits and achieving the same, we spend time in nurturing them.

What NEXT?

If you like our way of working – I suggest – be with us and take your life to the NEXT LEVEL at the FASTEST SPEED.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 /

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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