Have You Ever Seen Your Face? The way you see your face affects your investment Performance. Weekend Read.

July 10, 15

Have You Ever Seen Your Face? The way you see your face affects your investment Performance. Weekend Read.

Greetings from Hitesh! With Chinese market falling our experts are telling us new story – FII investments in CHINA will come to India. In May they told us – FII in India is moving to CHINA and now “U” turn. If you are regular reader – you know what we told in MAY. We had said we do not buy this argument at all!! Time and again we are proved right. Did you take advantage of our skill sets? It was 100% free!! Time and again – we have proved you that we are more dependable than your experts when it comes to investments.

Now let me ask you a FUNNY Question – HAVE YOU EVER SEEN YOUR FACE?

Of course, you would say. We see our face - first thing while brushing TEETH / While getting ready for office / in Photos (now a days in SELFIES).

Let me give you GOOD NEWS – What you have seen is the IMAGE of your FACE in Mirror/Picture. You have not seen your face at all the way it is!! In mirror – your right becomes left and your left becomes right!!

How does this affect your LIFE?

From the early child hood you develop a habit of judging your face based on your mirror image. Gradually it spreads to your thoughts / actions / behavior and results. Whatever you do – you judge against your Peer / your Society / your Religion / your Family / your School / your Organization etc.

You develop dependence to outside forces – without consciously knowing – and you call yourself – SMART / SUCCESSFUL / HAPPY!! All your smartness/success/happiness is RELATIVE and not ABSOLUTE!

How does this affect your Investment Performance?

You judge the investment opportunities based on WHAT others tell you!! Unfortunately others are in Millions and you are one. So, you keep on changing your definition / your thoughts / your actions and your behavior based on that in the field of investments.

This will not take you very FAR in life and investments. Just look at the MEDIA reports. They keep on changing every minute. If you take your investments based on that – you would go for a TOSS. Preciously, that is happening with every normal individual.

Just to share an example - The WEALTHIEST are running Mutual Funds and they are giving you theories of SIP and Mutual Funds investments. Deep down you also know that by investing in Mutual Funds and SIPs you can’t REACH to the TOP, but since you have a habit of judging things from other’s perspective – you get carried away.  You find it difficult to come out of the RAT RACE!! You end up dying as a RAT or being number one RAT at the most!!

How to see things in ABSOLUTE TERMS?

You need VIVEK in you. VIVEK is your inner knowledge of TRUTH. In every situation it is there in each of us. Since we have developed the habit of listening to others – we don’t listen to VIVEK.

To listen to VIVEK – you need to spend time with yourself at least 15 minutes a day. You may call it MEDITAION. Just watch your thoughts for 15 minutes a day for at least 21 days and see the results yourself. Gradually – you will love to spend more time with yourself rather than with your WhatsAPP and Facebook!!

What Next?

All my understanding of the MARKET is due to my connection with myself. When I am connected with myself – I am connected with the MARKET. When I am connected with the market directly – I do not have to listen to MIDDLE MEN and MEDIA for my investment decision. It happens automatically.

I have already told you about coming bull phase in market. If you want to make tons of money – do join me NOW.

Have a Great Weekend.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh and join me on WhatsApp on +91 986 942 5399.

Live With Passion….Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh


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