Has Manmohan Singh Given a Curse to SONIA GANDHI To Be Silent?

13 February 2015

Has Manmohan Singh Given a Curse to SONIA GANDHI To Be Silent?

Greetings from Hitesh! Thanks a ton for words of appreciation to my last article. People have appreciated our way of looking at the event in totality. I would say – it is not our way – it is a way of all successful investors and you must develop the same. We have seen Mr.Modi / Mr. Kejriwal and now the missing link is Soniaji. She is silent. I was wondering Mr.Singh would have cursed her to be silent the way he was kept silent Prime Minister in last 10 years. I have following questions in my mind.

1.  A person without any political back ground can become CM of DELHI in one shot – how come person having 60 years legacy is watching?
2.  She may be the richest person of India, how come she is not showing her power of money?
3.  Why congress as a party is degenerating in last one year?
4.  What can be the possible reasons for her silence?
5.  Her son and daughter can win the heart of the young Indians – but they are also silent!!

Let me deal with all of the above with basic Science.

What Science Says?

Total science is built on the assumption of cause and effect relationships. It means that for every cause there is an effect and for every effect there must be some cause/s. Many times it is not possible to know the cause/s of the effect immediately, but that does not mean cause is absent!! Let us keep this basic in mind while we try to understand the secret of Soniaji’s silent.

Where Does the Real Power Come From?

From getting an election ticket to fighting an election and winning an election – all you need is tons of money apart from many other qualities. Money is the common factor. Look at the last parliament election and you would have seen billions were spent by BJP and Congress. In fact in Delhi election also AAP is getting IT notices for receiving Rs.2 crs!! In short, money is the real power!!

When a person is in power – he has the capacity to generate more and more cash. Being engaged in politics – they lend their cash to others. Since he is in power – the person whom you have given money will be always afraid of you!! So, your money is safe without any agreement.
Many times it happens that the person whom you gave the money – support the opponent. If the opponent wins – the borrower will not have to pay to the original lender plus he gets more cash from the opponent who has come to the power!! This way the borrower has the cash of old guy + cash of the new guy at his disposal!!

Look at the old guy. He lost the election. He also lost what he spent in fighting the election. He also lost the cash lent to the borrower!!

In turn borrower has become more and more powerful over a period of time. He can decide who will be elected and who will not be.

What has happened with Soniaji?

I think somebody has taken away major part of the cash with her. She has lost power also. Combined effect of this + health issues is forcing her to be silent.

What is means for Normal Investor?

Many small guys have habit of dealing in cash. While going is good they manage the show effectively and they can give the complex to the guy who is dealing in cheques. Many guys buy shares in cash to save service tax and income tax. But when the time changes – they loss everything and they can’t complain also.

What is our call?

Investment should give you peace of mind. While investing you are taking risk of market / risk of company performance – but when you deal in cash you are taking a risk of individual + capital along with the above two!! This will 100% deprive of much needed mental peace and financial security to your family.

What next?

February is turning out to be fantastic as told you in January end. I still suggest – follow us and make tones of money.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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