How Much Money Can I Make, If I Follow You?

24 December 2014

How Much Money Can I Make, If I Follow You?

Greetings from Hitesh! Many readers have sent me questions they had. Among them the most important in last two days was the above one. It seems this is the most important question for many of my other readers also as they wanted to do cost benefit analysis before they decide to follow me.

Let me share my recent experience with my Guide in Bhutan.

I was in Bhutan in this August. We were in PARO and we had to visit a hill called Tigernest. It’s a prominent Buddhist secret site and temple complex, located in the cliffside of upper PARO.

I asked my guide how much time it will take to climb the Tigernest? He said – It depends whether you walk or go on horse. I said of course walking. Now tell me how much time it takes. He replied, I will let you know.

We went there and he got me a stick for my support and we started walking. I asked him again – how much time it will take? He said – Just relax – I will let you know in 15 minutes.

We started climbing the Hill and after about 15 minutes – he told me you will take 4 hours to climb and 1.5 hours to come down.

I asked him – being so experienced – how come you took so much time to reply?

His reply was excellent – he said – “I know the Hills from my birth, but I do not know your capacity and your enthusiasm to climb the hill. So, I was observing you for past 15 minutes to give you the reply.” I smiled and remember words of my mother – she was also with me there.

Why They Say “Mom Knows Everything”?

I have always observed that my mom had the solutions to guide me in any situations whether she was expert in that area or not? All her solutions worked with me like anything.

The real reason was that she knew me before I was born and she brought me up with all the love and compassion. I am sure you would have experienced the same thing with your mother.

Unfortunately, my mother – my real guide decided to go to heaven on 23rd Dec., 2014. I am sure God will grant Her the Best in that world also.

She taught me the Real Secret of consultancy which I am following from the day one.

She used to say – “If you have two choices to guide your client – based on his or her capacity or based on Market expertise – you will be more successful – if you guide your client knowing his capacities.”

Where we work?

What my Bhutanese Guide told me or what My Mother advised me – your role is 90% in success in any area and 10% is the role of Market.
We always work with 90%, though we are par excellence in reading market trend i.e. other 10%. In a way, we are 100% consultant.

In olden days – say about 20 years ago – you used to have your family doctor. He used to know the history of your family and you like anything. He was not super expert like today’s doctors. But his opinion was considered the final. He was treating you and not your ailments. He knew the basic secret – your mind is 90% and your ailment is 10%.

Why 1 year to 3 years with me?

This is of course the time any market cycle take place but most important for me is to know you and your capacities.

Once I get the glimpses of your 90% – the game is easy!!

What is my answer to your question?

If you judge me by my market calls – It is in front of you. We are well ahead of the other market experts in understanding the market trend. My blog is the proof of it.

But, how much money you can make will always depend on your capacities and your enthusiasm. Unless I know that – I can’t answer you in black and white.

If you really want the answer - be with me for 1 year to 3 years. If you can’t do that - at least be with me for 3 months. If you can’t do that also – be ready to be taken for a ride by 10% experts.

Make your choice.

Have a Great Week Ahead.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.

P.S:- If you have a Question or Questions, answers of which can be useful to all – you can write to me. As time permits – I will reply through my POST.


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