Can Your Love For Your Child Be More Than Your Spouse?

January 24, 2014

Can Your Love For Your Child Be More Than Your Spouse?

Greetings from Hitesh! It’s a pleasant experience to see market making a new high in the beginning of the year. We were prepared and our clients are enjoying the ride. What about you? Do you still want to wait? Now let me deal with the above question….

I have just two questions…..

1.   If you are a mother, do you love more to your son/daughter then to your husband?

2.   If you are a father, do you love more to your daughter/son then to your wife?

If I go by the clinical psychological study…..It says….you can not love more to your child then to your spouse. In practice, you may see lot many possibilities and lot many answers.

But you can change your financial destiny by answering these questions as honestly as possible to yourself. How? Let me deal with them.

In Gujarati there is a saying…..Muddal Karta Vyaj Vahalu( Interest is more dear than Capital). Most of the guys when they go for investments……ask one simple question….What Kind of Return It Can Fetch?

When your focus is on Return? it means.....

1. You live in Future:- You always wanted to have your first Rs.10 lakhs. You have got the same. Now, instead of enjoying them or investing in businesses you like….you are worried for 8% to 24% you can get by investing in various options. What’s more….you are going to re-invest that 8% to 24%, too.  Effectively you do not need this money!! What a waste?

2. Miss the Gift Called Present:- Naturally, when I look at the future….I will miss the present !! It means I am missing the experience called love / Investments / relationships and finally life!!

Why This Happens?

There can be many explanations for the above behaviour. But the main according to my study is…“when you do not have genuine purpose of earning money or entering into relationships, you tend to ignore the money and relationships and your focus will be on manipulating them to gain something extra/more.”

My Personal Call:-

According to Benjamin Graham “An investment operation is one which, upon thorough analysis, promises safety of principal and a satisfactory return. Operations not meeting these requirements are speculative.”

Please look at your operations….are you investing or speculating?
If you love investing in businesses you like most and relationship you would care for….let us enter into a relationship for life. I have extended my hand; it’s your turn now.

Wish You a Great Weekend Ahead.

You can follow me @hiteshmparikh on twitter or on Whatsapp on +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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