Hitesh Parikh’s Call for Market in 2014 - Read To Get Prosperity with Peace.

December 30, 2013

Hitesh Parikh’s Call for Market in 2014

Greetings from Hitesh! Just two days to go before we enter into 2014. I wish you all a very prosperous and peaceful 2014. Can prosperity and peace go together? Well, this is not the subject of our discussion today….I want to discuss about my call in 2014.

Let me share two simple scenarios with you. You have to choose one from each scenario.

1. Get Rs.50000 now or flip a coin with 50/50 chance of winning Rs.1 lakh. Which one you go for?

2. Lose Rs.50000 now or flip a coin with 50/50 chance of losing Rs.1 lakh. Which one you go for?

Rational Behaviour:-

If you are choosing to get Rs.50000 now and to lose Rs.50000 now from both the scenarios….you are a rational investor. You can become an excellent trader.

Irrational Behaviour:-

If you are choosing to get Rs.50000 now and flip a coin with 50/50 chance of losing Rs.1 lakh……you are an irrational investor. You will have more losses than profit in your trading.

90% of the guys prefer the second scenario and that’s why only 10% of the people make money in the market. 10% of the people have 90% of the wealth.

Height of Rationality:-

We want you to reach to the height of rationality. We want you to have best of both at the same time. Yes, by joining us you get Rs.50000 now and you lose Rs.50000 now.

When you book this profit and loss simultaneously, you have two things to look for 2014.

Smile:- Since you have gained Rs.50000, you will start a year 2014 with a smile. And Smile is contagious….so, looking at your smile people around you, your family and your friends will also smile. In short you will have a year full of smile and happiness. Do you want to miss that?

Comleteness:- Since you have paid the tuition fees of Rs.50000, you will feel complete from within. You will earn your right to make the money from market. You can earn right by two ways only….by learning yourself or by paying the learned. With us, you get to learn also and we will help you earn also. Do you want to miss this?

I am sure you all will like to start the year 2014 with Smile and Completeness. If you start the year with Smile and completeness….you will end the year with Prosperity and Peace. Do you really want both of them? Then join the journey of investment success with us.

Our special offer will close soon. Be fast or you will be left with 2nd choice.But, what about my call for 2014?

Yes, we know….we generally write our final call on 31st December of every year. Just wait for a day.

Have a Happy Day.

Hitesh Parikh.


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