How Independent You Are?
15, 2013
How Independent You Are?
from Hitesh! I have received couple of messages today morning wishing me Happy
Independence Day!! It did not click me immediately but little while after , my
mind went on to a voyage of thoughts…..How independent I am? Can I really
become Independent? What are the qualities of Independent person? Suddenly I remembered
a famous story of Prophet Muhammad (popularly known as Mumammad Paigambar)
How Independent I am?
Once a
man went to Prophet and asked him, “How Independent I am?”
that the guy is illiterate and would not understand heavy philosophy, Prophet
asked him to lift his leg. The man immediately lifted his right leg. Now
Prophet said, lift the left one also!! The guy started looking at him……he said…..if
I lift left leg, I will fall down. I can not lift it as long as my right leg is
In short,
once you take one action, you are bound by the reaction,
repercussions and
results of the same.
Does it mean if you do not take action, you can remain Independent?
In Gita,
it has been said… can not remain without action for a moment also. Inaction
is also an action! So, by not doing anything also you can not become
So, What is A Way Out?
In Gita, it has been said….. “Yoga Karma Su-Kaushalam”. You
have two ways…….become expert in your area of work and increase your expertise
on a daily basis. The second is become like lotus in the water… grows in
the water, it remains in the water and still it remains untouched by the water!!
you continuously go on developing your expertise……at some point you may achieve
the attitude of Lotus.
Now, you may say….“We do not have the basic understanding of becoming a successful
investor and we do not have the time also.”
You are 100% right.
You do not become a farmer in order to eat foods….you just buy it. Same way you
can outsource the expertise from the real investors. You just need to take an
action based on their suggestions. This way you can increase your expertise
also and remain aloof to the market like a lotus in the water.
What Next?
Keep walking….keep
running……lift one leg after the other and take support on the previous one. Go
on doing the same……and you will reach your destination.
We are walking towards
the independence…..if our way of thinking, our expertise touches your heart…
are welcome to outsource our ideas for investments.
Do write to us, if
independence is first priority in your life.
Have a Great Independence
You can
follow me @hiteshmparikh on twitter.
With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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