Electronic Media and Art of Creativity Destruction

February 6, 2012

Electronic Media and Art of Creativity Destruction

Greetings from Hitesh! With the market inching up everyday, I am sure you all must be feeling happy. While you enjoy the market…..just read the most important issue touching our day to day life.

Let me take you into a period before 1986.

Those of you who had a habit of reading…..you must have read the story of Ramayana and Mahabharata or might have read the original book also. There were few lucky children also….they had the privilege of listening them from their grand parents. Now, while reading or listening to them….everybody had their own imagination of Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, or for any other character in the story or the situations. It was the pleasure to imagine the total scenario and to discuss with our friends.

But in 1986, the serials of Ramayan and Mahabharat were telecasted first time in India. It is doubtless that they both were most successful in their time……the thing which pinches me is that they were the imagination of Mr. Sagar and Mr. Chopra. After seeing the serials…..all we were left with discussing cosmetic changes rather then imagining the same from the scratch ourselves.

1986 to 2012 :-

We have 300 plus channels….touching each and every area of our life…..we also have Internet, Wikipedia, Google, host of subject related Websites…you name and it is there at the click of the button. Since 1986….we have come a long way…25 years to be precise….let us see the impact of the same on normal Investor.

Impact on Investors:-


The prices should move up fast once they invest…….if it does not move….there must be something wrong with the company. Real Investment is like giving birth to a Baby…..the most painful at the same time most pleasurable. Baby takes 9 months….by being impatient you cannot reduce the period. We were planning for 2012 from 2009 onwards!!

Copy + Paste:-

Educated normal investors have a habit of browsing websites, their recommendations, listening to media experts….and they form their own view based on all these study!!!(the way we were forming cosmetic opinion on Ramayan serial)…they assume they can do it themselves !!

This is the most dangerous thing today’s investors are doing. By following most followed news channels and websites….you are getting most general opinion on market and companies…..and market do not run on consensus…..e.g. In December 2011, all media experts were talking about Mandi in 2012….just see what has happened….you all missed the TEJI. You did not listen to free advice from us.

The ideal way to copy + paste is to study the way the most successful investors do the investments….if you study the process well and follow it….results will automatically come….but thanks to lack of creativity, most investors follow the worst way of copy + paste….just to invest in the companies big investors invests !!

Saving Is Equal to Earning:-

Most normal investors follow the old saying….a rupee saved is rupee earned. This is normal fall out of the above two….if someone is impatient and if he follows what other average guys are doing….naturally, he will get the average return and he will also remain average. Being an average he finds it difficult to increase his income….so, the best is to save as much as he can!!

The most funny investors I have come across do not want to invest….because if they earn money….they will have to pay the tax !! They are ready to sacrifice income so that they can avoid the pain of educating themselves for tax laws or spending on a good CA!!

Enjoy Now….Pay Later:-

These are the 100% opposite of the above mentioned group. They hate tomorrow…..for them today is also not good enough…only NOW is good enough.

These are the people go into depression when they loose their income or when their income starts fluctuating.

My Personal Realisation:-

My list of effects of media can go on….and on and on….but my basic realization is No Pain, No Creativity. No Creativity, No Life. No Life means….whatever you do is going to be a burden on you. Moreover, as the day passes….the burden will multiply. You will justify each and everything you do.

Please ask yourself….do you like the burden? Do you like that burden to multiply? If both the answers are NO….ask why are you creating the same?

What Next?

In today’s life…..Media is as important as having money…..I can take care of the money aspect….if you are ready to handle the Media. If you agree….do write to me.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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