Fighting, Winning and Living.

February 18, 2012

Fighting, Winning and Living.

Greetings from Hitesh! Another week has passed….and many of you would be relaxing with your loved ones cherishing the memory of Valentine day. While you enjoy with your loved ones, I have a unique subject to deal with as mentioned above.

History books are full of stories of fighting, winning and living happily ever after……and by reading, listening or watching them on Media from the early childhood…normal human being starts believing that fighting and winning is equal to successful living !! If he is not winning….there must be something wrong.

If you have read an old classic The Art of War or the modern classic How to Win Friends and Influence People….they have given strategies to win the war and people…… was assumed that you are fighting or dealing with somebody.

However, when you approach share market……With Whom You Are Fighting?

Can You Fight with Market?

Market is a state of collective being… is INDIFFERENT to individual winning and losing….it has nothing to do with you…it does not know you…it does not care for you!! I know it hurts the ego that individual is nobody for market.

You can not fight the state of being…state of indifference. So, when a Mutual Funds claims that they have beaten the market by so and so %.....I laugh at their terminology!!

Can You Fight With Your Buyers or Sellers?

To fight you need to know somebody….you need to understand his strategy…you need to understand his motives….this is not possible in today’s electronic trading system…there are lakhs of people at any given point of time and they are acting simultaneously. So, you can not fight with the other guy and all your strategies or learning to fight and win goes haywire.

Then, Who Is Your Opponent?

Your mind is your biggest opponent… has the emotions of Greed, Fear, Hope and Euphoria. Greed and fear are primary emotions and hope and euphoria just sustains them on either side.
Many of you would have promised yourself….after a fall in 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008….that if such a fall comes next time….you will not miss it…you will sell your house and invest in shares!! How many of you have been able to do that? The main reason was FEAR of loss….many of you would have missed the recent rally from 2nd January…thanks to FEAR.

Same way…you would have not been able to sell in 2000/2007 due to greed.

Most investors invest in Euphoria….the media reports tells that retail investors are back in the market…after Nifty crossed 5300!!

Hope stops you from correcting your mistake from either side.

Emotions of greed, fear, hope and euphoria affects your intellect….this leads to wrong judgment of the situations and you take wrong investment decisions…with wrong decisions you can not win!!

My Personal Call:-

Successful living is all about being… is a collective being……so, if you operate from the level of being….only then you will be able to relate to the market. When you relate to the market…you will win without fighting. I refer the phenomena of being as Surrender to the market…..!!! When you win without fighting…you will have lot of time for living!! Just try yourself…do not believe me.

What Next?

If you love winning and if you are ready to transform yourself into the state of being, approach us. I will share with you where market is telling me to invest.

Have a Happy Weekend.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.
