Top 10 Billionaires in January 2021 and February 2025

8th February 2025

Top 10 Billionaires in January 2021 and February 2025

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Namaste! Way back in January 2021, I did the study of the top 10 billionaires of that time and shared their horoscope combination in my blog. The idea was to make you aware about the potential you might have in your horoscope and to take advantage of the same.

There is a famous story of a Lion’s cub grown up with Goats and Sheep. He was staying and behaving like Sheep. Once a lion was after sheep and this Cub was also running out of fear. Lion was surprised to see a Cub was also running. So, he took the Cub to the LAKE and saw his face. When the cub saw his face was the same as the big lion – he immediately came to know that he is also a LION. 

The idea of that study was to make my reader realise that they can also be a LION and stop running like a SHEEP. 

You can read that blog by clicking on the following link : -

I came across the FORBES real-time billionaire list as of yesterday. 

1.   Elon Musk who was 2nd in 2021 with USD 170 Billion has grown to USD 406.70 Billions and he is number one now. Second guy is 60% down from him. ( TESLA)

2.   Jeff Bezos was on Number 1 with USD 190 Billion and is now 2nd richest with USD 248 Billion. He has not grown that fast. ( AMAZON)

3.   Mark Zuckerberg was 5th in 2021 with USD 104 Billion and has grown to USD 243.30 Billions. He is number 3 now. ( FACEBOOK) 

4.   Larry Elison was number 10th in 2021 with USD 79 Billions has grown the fastest to reach to 4th Number with USD 185 Billion Net Worth. ( ORACLE)

5.   Bernard Arnault was number 4th with USD 114 Bln in 2021. He is now 5th with USD 185 Bln. ( LVMH)

6.   Larry Page was 7th with USD 82 Billion in 2021. He is now 6th with USD 158 Billions. ( GOOGLE)

7.   Sergey Brin was 9th with USD 79.80 Billions in 2021. He is 7th now with USD 151 Bln. ( GOOGLE)

8.   Warren Buffett was 6th with USD 87.6 Bln in 2021. He is now 8th with USD 147.7 Bln. ( Investor)

9.   Steve Blamer was 8th with USD 80.40 Bln in 2021. He is Now 9th with USD 122.5 Bln.(Microsoft)

10.                Amancio Ortega was not there in the list of top 10. He is now 10th with USD 121.80 Billion. ( ZARA)

Bill Gates was 3rd with USD 132 Bln in 2021. He is  now 17th with USD 106 Bln.

What are our observations?

1.   We have studied their horoscope in 2021 and now. We have seen the eventology which has happened and the ultimate results today. 

2.   The company mentioned above may or may not have performed in the stock market in terms of price rise – but the wealth of the main person has gone up. Tesla was USD 401 in November 2021 and fell USDv113 and now back to USD 361. So share has not performed but ELON MUSK is number one with 1.5 times much bigger wealth then in 2021. 

3.   It is also not necessary that the company has performed super-duper in terms of sales growth and profitability in the past 4 years. 

4.   So, PRICE may not be moving up / Sales may not be moving up / Profit may not be moving up and the person is on the TOP 10 list.

5.   Reliance didn’t perform from 2011 to 2017. But the MUKESH BHAI was always the number one Billionaire of India during that period. He is still Number one in India. He is 19th richest in the World today. Reliance shares have underperformed in the last one year. 

This is the power of PLANETS in your horoscope and their combinations. 

How can a learned astrologer help you? 

He can make you aware about your potential and he can help you get the best out of them with the timely advises and growth inputs. 

I am using the Holistic Strategy given by Lord Krishna for growth in Gita. As per Lord Krishna – you must work on 5 factors – Vaastu + (Your)Self + Resources + Skill Sets + and Luck. 

Unfortunately – our education system is a copy of Western Education. The West didn’t have KRISHNA. So, they focused on three factors only – Self + Resources + Skills. Their MBA courses are dealing with the above 3 only. They go to Psychologists and Indians go to astrologers when they are in SOUP. The smartest of the smart have the team of astrologers along with the above 3 to have a holistic growth. 

J P MORGAN – Billionaire Banker and owner of the TITANIC – was a good astrology student himself and there is a quote said by him - "Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do".

If you have a DREAM of becoming a BILLIONAIRES – make learned astrologers a part of your A - team.

Have a happy Weekend. 

If you love holistic growth with tons of money – approach us NOW. 

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh


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