Vishnu Made DEV Immortal. Shiva Made DANAV Immortal. What it means for investors?
24th November 2023
Vishnu Made DEV Immortal. Shiva Made DANAV Immortal. What it means for investors?
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Namaskar! Our last post on the World Cup was well appreciated for the logical insight it shared. If you look at the broader picture – let us assume that each state has one bookie. Now, thanks to the BET on INDIA – the top guys in each state got tons of the CASH LOCALLY. No need to transport the cash from one state to another. Reality is more disturbing than the fiction. We all are aware of the story of CHURNING the SEA by DEV and DANAV. Today I am sharing my insights on the same.
When the AMRUT came out from the SEA – he smartly distributed to the DEVA and only DANAVS who got the AMRUT were RAHU and KETU. Now there was an imbalance between DEV and DANAV. DEV used to kill the DANAV and DANAV used to die. But DANAV was not able to kill the DEV as they had already taken the AMRUT.
DANAV GURU SHUKRACHARYA propitiated the LORD SHIVA and got the AMRUT SANJEEVANI VIDHYA. With that, he can give life back to the DANAV. Now, the DANAV started fighting back with vigour and they started winning the DEV.
What was apparent partiality to DEV was balanced by Lord SHIVA.
I am sure – most would have been aware of this story.
What it means to the investors?
Samvat 2080 is known as Rakshasa Samvat and it makes a lot of sense to understand who is RAKSHASA – DANAV and how it can also come ALIVE post-death.
According to my understanding - DEV is a BEING CONCEPT and DANAV is a DOING CONCEPT. Those who can just BE – are DEV. And those who have unlimited WANTS and they always keep on WANTING NEWER things are DANAV!! All our education and social upbringing make us WANT more and more. In that SENSE – we all are DANAV. Now, let me share my insights.
1. No Partiality: - In existence – just because somebody is BAD – he is not denied the right to live. He too can live and take his life to the next level. Basically, the human form is said to be the most important form – in case we want to transcendent the cycle of birth and death. What VISHNU did was not partiality. DEV deserved the AMRUT so it was given to them. But DANAV too have access to come back to life again with the help of their GURU.
Lessons for Investors: - Just because somebody is a big FII / somebody knows the promoters or somebody knows the fund manager – he doesn’t have the guarantee that he will make tons of money. The market is impartial to the person sitting in the deep corner of our country or sitting in the Mumbai stock exchange. The guy in the small village can study the market and company and he too can make tons of money. Warren Buffett always stayed very far from the USA stock market and he made tons of money.
2. NEED V/s. WANTS: - All our needs are taken care of by the existence by default. In the same way – DEV has been given the boon of being immortal. This was the NEED for them.
But for WANTS we need to work. We need to learn. We need GOAL SETTINGS / PLANNING / ORGANISING / EXECUTION / CONTROL and REVIEW. Since we want something that we don’t have from the beginning – we need the SUPPORT of GURU. If you don’t have GURU – you can’t become successful. That’s why the control of making DANAV alive was kept with the DANA GURU - SHUKRACHARYA. He was given the power to make DANAV alive or not.
If you see the DEV and DANAV wars – INDRA used to start the WAR without the help of GURU. He used to go to his GURU / BRAHMA / SHIVA or VISHNU only when he was defeated by the DANAV.
DANAV always used to go to the GURU first – take his permission and take his support before starting any war / during the war and after the war.
Lessons for Investors: - We all are WANT-oriented. More the Merrier is our concept. We need GURU / MENTOR / COACH / CONSULTANT / ADVISOR if we really want to win in this competitive world. I have always worked under my GURUS in various areas.
3. WIN and LOSE: - DEV used to fight on their own with their own understandings. They always got DEFEATED by the DANAV. If you read the BHAGWATAM – all the incarnations of VISHNU are to help the DEV or GOOD PEOPLE. In GITA also LORD KRISHNA said – I will always come back as and when there is a RISE OF ADHARMA. Basically, VISHNU too is coming to balance the ENERGY between the DEV and DANAV.
DANAV always took the help of their GURU and when they also did not listen to their GURU – they got defeated. There are stories of their defeat because they cheated with their GURU or they did not listen to their GURU.
Lessons for Investors: - Starting from WARREN BUFFETT to MUKESH AMBANI – look at any of the successful people. They all have tons of ADVISORS – CONSULTANTS and GURUS. All successful people have NO SHAME in admitting that they have a personal guru and they are following him in totality. Those who are EGOISTIC – they don’t go to the GURU and they don’t admit to having a GURU, in case they have one.
What NEXT?
We always want something NEW. Something BETTER. This is our PERMANENT NATURE or WAY OF LIVING. MBA friends will call it PROGRESS. So, if you are progress-oriented or like RELIANCE – if you believe “Growth is Life” – you need somebody to guide you PERMANENTLY.
My expertise is in Investing and Astrology. If you need support – you are most welcome.
Have a GREAT Rakshasa Samvat 2080.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.
Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion & Invest with Reason.
Hitesh Parikh.
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