Modi Ji’s Master formula for India’s growth. You can apply on the investments also.

27th May 2023

Modi Ji’s Master formula for India’s growth. You can apply on the investments also.

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! Looking at the demand for SHORT MESSAGES from our regular readers – I had refrained from writing a long blogs. But today’s subject is coming from MODI JI’s success formula for India. I couldn’t stop myself from wring my view on the same.

What MODI JI has said?

“To steer the country onto the path of the rapid development and growth and to make India self-reliant, five things are of high importance – INTENT – INCLUSION – INVESTMENT – INFRASTRUCTURE and INNOVATION”.

Let us see each one of the factor one by one.

Intent: - This is the most misunderstood concept. Average individual takes INTENT as DESIRE. Little smart will talk about GOALS and PURPOSE. Masters talk about the intent. Intent is your BEING. Say Why you really want to invest? Over the last 30 years I have got answers like – Long term wealth creation / Trading / fast money and things like that. But the intent of the normal investors is to make fast money only. Since they all have the same intent – 90% of the people losses in the market.

Intent is your SPINE. If you are not clear with your INTENT – no amount of HABIT / STRATEGY will lead to happiness in your life.

There is HARDLY anyone who would doubt the INTENT of MODI Ji for taking India to the top. However, all the people who are part of BJP may not have the same kind of INTENT. Look BJP lost in KARNATAKA for asking 40% commission – as claimed by the CONGRESS.

The point is – Modi Ji’s intentions are pure – but the ground levels leaders have short term view. This can affect their winning chances in 2024 parliament elections. As a leader – he should work on the intentions of the party members.

Inclusion: - Investors must have inclusive vision. Say you want to make money – so the other investors also wants to make money. Say you have bought the share and you are expecting that the share should move up fast – it means the person who sold those shares to you will curse his luck for selling those shares. Say you have sold the shares and you are expecting that the shares should go down – it means you are expecting that the person who has bought should suffer losses!!

This is not INCLUSION. Inclusion means you are expecting the growth of the last person along with your growth.

Now look at the BJP and AAP and now CONGRESS in KARNATAKA. They are distributing the FREE FOOD / ELECTRICITY / WATER to the depressed class of people. This is not INCLUSION. This is RETROGRADING the down trodden people. They should be given the employment opportunities / growth opportunities and not the FREE things. This is against the MODI Ji’s principle of INCLUSION.

Investments: - Once you are done with your intent / inclusion – the 3rd steps is INVESTMENTS. Investment is not about the money investments only. The investment should be on you / your resources / your skill sets and people around you.

Typical Indian has step motherly attitude towards the resources. He wants to achieve great goals but he wants it to do with FREE or CHEAP resources. This may make ECONOMIC sense in short term but it’s a disaster in the long term.

We are inviting tons of FDI and companies like APPLE and other top companies are coming to India. This is a very good sign. But look at the DIS-EASE of doing business for the SMALL and MEDIUM business people. They are not well equipped or resourceful like their MNC counter parts. We need more and more small entrepreneurs when we can’t provide them the gainful employment. With the frequent change in GST / Income Tax Laws / 2nd Demonetisation – they are facing real difficult time to do the business smoothly. The intent of EASE of doing business has not trickled down.

Look at the GST on the FOOD products which we buy from the local KIRANA. The intent of ACCHE DIN has not trickle down yet.

The above policy measures are affecting the investments. People are not having surplus money thanks to the above laws – so the questions of investments remains for the selected few only. Hardly 10% of the population is investing in Equities in India.  

Infrastructure: - This is the backbone of any economic progress. I am really happy with the speed at which VANDE BHARAT TRAINS ARE LAUNCHED – ROADS are built across India. New airports are opened. The government is all out for building infrastructures in terms of Sufficiency of ENERGY / FOOD / DEFENSE.

As an investor we should have infrastructure of our consultants – technology – internet – computer – mobile – skill sets before we can make tons of money from the stock market.

Normal investors see the above as expenses – waste of time and they are not open for the above. If at all they go for the above – they find out the CHEAPEST.

Having infrastructure in one thing and having quality infrastructure in another thing. When I travel in Mumbai – I see the pathetic conditions of the road and traffic management. My wife got the SLIP DISK thanks to the conditions of the road.

In other words – government is not able to fulfil this principle also.

Innovation: - Look at the USA – they were deep in debt in 2008 and they innovated QE programmes and save the economy. Now, they are approaching the DEBT CEILING and I am seeing by 31/5/2023 – they will come out with something new. The point is they are innovating on the progressive side.

Look at the Indian government innovations – they are innovating NEW CURRENCY NOTES!! In 2016 they found new notes of 500 and 2000. Now they stopped the 2000 notes and talks are going on for new note of 1000.

They innovated 20% TCS for the people going abroad. It is painful to get the admission in here and now those who are going abroad for further studies have to pay the TCS. This is BACKWARD innovation. Luckily, they have made changes in TCS in MAY. Positive Innovation is not the cup of tea of the government.

As an investor when you go to the market – you have 100s of options and strategy to play in the market. But if they are not supported by the above 4 factors – your innovations will lead to major losses.

Looking at the SHANI TRANSIT MAKAR RASHI in 2020 – we had said change the way you are doing business or you will suffer. Those who have not changed their way of working – they all are suffering now. They still have one more year to change.

What NEXT?

Whatever MODI JI has said is 100% right and it should have been followed by his people in words and deeds. But when you objectively look at the grassroots level – they have not adhered to the 5 factors which MODI JI has said.

As an investor – I will urge you to follow the 5 factors which Modi Ji has given. I assure you – you will go to the top fast in your chosen area.

Have a great time.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh.



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