The most success minded people fail at this crucial stage and fail for life
8th February 2023
The most success minded people fail at this crucial stage and fail for life
Dear Fellow Travelers,
Namaste! It is always very puzzling that a person who is ready to succeed, who is taking efforts towards his success, he is working hard and suddenly you find that he has stopped at some stage and he is not moving from that level. He may have come a long way in his journey but he has not reached his goal. Today we are going to deal with that crucial aspect of success in our post.
Experience of Spiritual Seeker Friend: -
I have been blessed with very knowledgeable and successful friends. After getting success in their business – their goal becomes towards spiritualism. One such friend was in search of GOD for the last 10 years. He went to each and every ashram and he tried various tips given by various gurus but he was not getting what he wanted. Somebody told him to go to GANGOTRI and meet some 100 plus years yogi staying there for the guidance.
In May 2022, he went to GANGOTRI. After a lot of pain he could find out the said YOGI and he went to his ASHRAM. He asked – BABA I want to see the GOD. Can you help me? Baba said – just go straight and take a right turn. If you keep on moving towards right – you willmeet your GOD. He thanked the YOGI and started walking.
As he started walking towards the right – he found a deep valley. He reached to the edges of the same. He saw the valley was deep and if he take one more step – he will die for sure. He took – "U" turn and went to the same yogi.
He said – BABA there is a Valley on the right and I could have died if I had jumped into it.
Baba laughed at my friend and said – you want to meet the GOD but not ready to pay the price for the same.
This was the crucial stage in my friend’s journey and
he failed at this stage and failed for life.
What happens with the normal people?
I have observed many such traits in normal person's life. I am sharing just 2 as they are very relatable in our day today life and we can observe people around us.
1. They work day and night to accumulate decent money so that they can enjoy the rest of the life. Now, when accumulation is over – they start protecting their money rather than enjoying the same on what they always wanted to do – if they had money. They stop at this juncture and fail for life.
(All 20-40 years hard work becomes a waste as they slogged whole life and now they are not ready to enjoy).
2. Many times people are in search of some solutions / some remedies. Now they search left, right and center like a MAD person. They keep on asking the people for the same. If with the grace of the GOD – they find the person who can help them or show them the path – they will stop because that person is asking money or asking them to do some remedies which are costly according to their belief. They stop at this juncture and fail for the life.
(Now all the efforts in searching the person – all efforts to find out the solutions is wasted as they are not ready to spend on the remedy).
Expenses V/s Benefits: -
At the start of my career I had an opportunity to learn from the MASTER TRAINER of the USA – ZIG ZIGLAR. He had taught me – when you pay the price – you don’t incur the EXPENSES – you enjoy the benefits. He taught me to focus on the BENEFITS of the product or services and how that product and services can take my life to the next levels.
I have always tried to follow the same and I am enjoying the miraculous results in my life.
What is the USA success formula?
The USA has been super successful and become a dominant player in the World. Even today they are calling the shots. They follow the 3 simple steps.
1. Decide what you want.
2. Resolve to pay the price.
3. Enjoy things.
Those who are not ready to accept the 2nd step – misses the juice of their life.
What is the biggest regret at the time of the death?
Those people who stops at the 2nd stage – have the biggest regret at the time of their death. They cry at the time of their death for not fulfilling their life dreams in spite of having money, life and other resources.
Now, they plan to do the same in the NEXT birth. Their behavior keeps them taking innumerable births. What they could do in one life they spread it to many lives due this this stopping at the crucial stage of their life.
What NEXT?
This blog is relatable with the people around us. Watch them. See their plight of not enjoying the life in spite of having money, life and other resources.
Take your call for your life.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.
Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion & Invest with Reason.
Hitesh Parikh.