How to use OTHER’S money for your Wealth Creation?
29th September 2020
How to use OTHER’S money for your Wealth Creation?
Namaste! The most sought after and most talked-about word is LOAN nowadays. We have loans for N number of purposes. We will
focus on Loan or Other’s Money from only Wealth Creation purpose in this post.
As a Buffett disciple – I am against the loan for investing
in shares. We have seen what has happened to the companies who have taken big
loans for businesses and they have to sell their companies at throwaway prices
when their business failed. Buffett has experience of 70 plus years and his
advice is the ultimate advice you have followed as far as loans for stocks is
However, I will share some of the ways – if you are
okay with that – you may use them and make tons of money with other’s money.
Let me make it clear that this is a 2-edged sword and you will have to be very
shrewd to use them.
IPO Loan: -
This is relatively the least risky way to take a loan
for IPO applications. You invest 1% and 99% is invested by the financiers. In the recent IPO of Route Mobile – HNI made an application for Rs.40 Crs by investing
Rs.40 lakhs. They got an allotment of 5900 shares, approx. 20 lakhs. Those who
applied for Rs.40 lakhs single applications got just 40-80 shares. However,
this was not FREE. They paid Rs.102 per share as an interest to the financier.
Their cost was Rs.452 (Rs350+Rs102).
They sold at Rs.700 to Rs.900. They doubled their money in just 7 days on their
allotment of Rs.20 lakhs.
This may look attractive when you read the above –
but when the IPO fails – the stocks are allotted and you have to pay for the
balance money. Many times, IPOs are not listed at super-duper listing like
Happy Mind and Route and the investor has to face the music for the same. Many
guys are still holding shares of Ujiivan Small Finance Bank IPO came in 2019 like
Margin Funding or Loan against Shares: -
Say you have Rs.1 Cr worth of stocks as of today.
You take a loan against them at Rs.50 lakh and invest in new shares. When the
market is moving up one side – this may give you a very good return. But when the
market turns negative or becomes volatile – you will lose your sleep. We don’t
recommend this to the Masses.
Loan against property or personal loans: -
These are a very risky proposition for Masses and I
would not recommend it to them.
Profit-Sharing Deals: -
Say somebody is having money and he does not want to
invest. He has kept his money in Bank FD. You can ask him to buy shares you
like and hold in his DEMAT account. Make a condition that he will not sell
without your knowledge. You give him 25% of profit or 10% of yearly interest
whichever is higher. This can be done with the person whom you trust and who
trust you in return.
The beauty of this way is – you can hold your
shares in his account so no need to give security. He is getting 6.5% taxable
interest in his account, assuming he is a senior citizen. You are giving him TAX
FREE 10% or 25% of profit whichever is higher. This is the best deal for him.
Today bank rates are very low and this can be a very
attractive source of money for long-term investments.
The only problem is – how will you compensate the
senior guys in case of loss and many times the senior guys will sell the shares
and will not give you the money. In both the case – you need a strong TRUST in
each other to do this.
This is the best way to make tons of money when you
are 100% sure about your investment idea.
Taking shares on loan and selling them: -
This is another way to make money. In India, many
brokers are providing SLBM – stock lending and borrowing facility. Say you feel
that ABC will go down from Rs.30 to Rs.15 in the coming 6 months. You can borrow
ABC from the exchange and sell it in the market. When the prices come to Rs.15 you buy
your sold shares and give it back to the exchange.
The people who lend you shares – will get interested
the way you pay on loans.
Shrewd people make tons of money on this. This is
also not for the Masses. But Masses can make good money by lending their long-term
stocks to the exchange and earn interest on the same along with the dividend.
Say you want to hold Reliance for the long term. Now, somebody wants to sell it. You
can lend Reliance to him through exchange and you will get interested for the
same. Since the transaction is done through exchange – you are 100% safe either
However, the risk remains if you have sold and
prices do not move down.
What is my personal experience?
Above all are really very good ways to make money
on somebody’s money. But Masses do not want to learn investing in details.
Taking a loan and buying stock is playing with fire. Those who are not trained in
investments are not fit to play with the FIRE. I have seen many guys selling
their gold/house to pay for the losses.
I have personally used many of the above options from time to time for a limited period and I have got my own success and failures
depending on the market movements. My favorite is profit-sharing deals.
What Now?
When you invest your own money – your loss is
limited to your capital only. But when you invest Loan money and lose – you
will have to earn that money along with the interest to pay back. So, be extra
careful, if you want to use any of the above ways for making money.
Remember – No Pain – No Gain.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or
on Whatsapp
- +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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