Our call on KIM JONG UN and MODI has come 100% correct. what next?

04 July 2018

Our call on KIM JONG UN and MODI has come 100% correct. what next?

Greetings from Hitesh! In Geeta it is said – GAHANA KARMANO GATI, means it is difficult to predict the results of the KARMA. At the same time our SAGES have developed a System which can predict the results of KARMA with utmost accuracy. The same thing repeated this time also.

On 2nd June.,2018, we wrote our post - Leo Tolstoy wrote – War and Peace. Trump is trying for WAR to PEACE. What will really happen?

In the same we had categorically written as follows –

Mangal is entering CARPRICORN on 3rd May 2018 and it will remain there till 09/10/2018.

During this period, it will become Retrograde and Direct. It turns retrograde around 27th June 2018. During this transit it will meet KETU and make opposition with RAHU. Mangal and KETU are FIRE ELEMENT/ RHAU is AIR ELEMENT and. In July it will make opposition with SUN (FIRE ELEMENT). So, the period of 2nd half of June till October looks more challenging and we may see all the PEACE AGREEMENTS going for a Toss.”

If we look at the long history of USA, it has always DITCHED the other guy by hook or crook. On the opposite side KIM JONG UN is also very cruel and he has in recent past killed his brother in Philippines. Chinese are the born cheaters. So, all of them will show their real colours from 2nd half of June.

For MODI we had said in the same post :- I see some action will be taken by Mr.MODI on BORDER FRONT during the above-mentioned time. Ideally, he will also have to take care of his health.”

What happened in both the cases?

Today Bloomberg quoted from the reports of Independent Researchers and Media that KIM has started expanding his NUCLEAR programme. One Media has shown that he is constructing two new buildings adjacent to his NUCLEAR Site. After meeting TRUMP, KIM had gone to CHINA and this may be the reason for his new sets of actions. It means that some news related to WAR may come from this segment of the WORLD.

Modi decided to break away from MUFTI government in KASHMIR and there were videos of some surgical strike by the military in the media. In other words, MANGAL is doing his WORK as predicted.

What it means for NORMAL Guy?

You can take control of your life, if you have a knowledge of science of Destiny Management.

My GURU has always made 3 kinds of DISTINCTION in destiny. 100% Changeable. Semi Changeable and Not Changeable.

100% changeable destiny is in your hand and with proper knowledge you can deal with them to your satisfaction and be successful in that area.

Semi changeable destiny deals with the areas where some specialised knowledge is required and if you have access to that, you can deal with your issues. Say, somebody has an HEART ATTACK and if you can reach him to the proper DOCTOR in fastest time, you have the chance to deal with that.

Non-changeable is nothing except the date and time of DEATH. But if you look at the long history of Indian YOGI’s they have gone beyond death and they have overcome that also. This requires VERY VERY SPECIALISED set of knowledge and since it is difficult to get easy access to that, we consider it as NON-CHANGEABLE. In fact, it is also changeable.

Some friend may ask – Isn’t it a part of DESTINY to create a CHANGE in DESTINY?

Answer is BIG NO. You create your Destiny at each moment with your N number of decisions you make. Time and again I have quoted Anthony Robbins’ famous principles – “your decisions are the pathways to your destiny”. The Existence or GOD – has given us the power to do NEW KARMA at each moment. It is our LETHARGY, our Unconscious way of living that we are not able make new decisions fast.

Investment is one such area where proper set of knowledge can change your FINANCIAL DESTINY to the next levels very fast. Time and again we invite our friends to be with us and make the most of the MARKET. But, they are not ready to pay the price in terms of LEARNING and FEES and due to that Investment always remains a WONDERLAND for them which they can see in DREAMS only.

When they meet me for their personal issues also they show their resistance to follow the remedial paths. This way they create a NEW DESTINY which keeps them at the SAME PLACE where they were before meeting me.

How can we help you?

With our system, we can guide you with proper action plan at a given moment of time and if you take actions with an open mind, you have a chance to change your destiny at all the levels.

If you need help in the areas of Investment or Destiny Management of personal issues, I suggest, approach us.

Have a Great Week ahead.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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