Alvin Toffler’s Future Shock V/s. Hitesh Parikh’s market calls and behavior of NORMAL Investors

 September 12, 17

Alvin Toffler’s Future Shock V/s. Hitesh Parikh’s market calls and behavior of NORMAL Investors

Greetings from Hitesh! While you are enjoying market, we thought it would be a timely input to deal with the above great guys of our time.

Most would have heard or read about the great futuristic and visionary management consultant Alvin Toffler.

He was the guy who had successfully predicated many events – collapse of USSR / fall of berlin wall / future economic growth in ASIA – PACIFIC region / coming of digitalization and global village concept.  The THIRD WAVE and POWERSHIFT are his most notable books, if anyone wants to read.

How do we see ALVIN TOFFLER?

I understand very simple language and according to me I would like to describe him as a SEER of the coming time. He could see and he could write. Those corporations who followed him, appointed him as consultant, took advantage of his skill sets and prepared themselves for FUTURE SHOCK are making tons of money now.

Normally, people like to hear PREDICTIONS for the sake of ENTERTAINMENT or CURIOSITY and not for taking some actions based on them. They will say – let us see what happens? They will be ready to pounce on the predictor, if he goes wrong. But they will have no GRATITUDE, if he goes right.

Let me deal with TATA NANO.

MOTIVATIONAL speakers talk about Mr.Tata’s quick action / determination and dream to launch car for normal Indian made by Indian technology. They also talk about his guts in dealing with MAMTA and shifting plants to GUJARAT. They have made him HERO.

I am surprised with TATA MOTOR management committee who were dealing with TATA NANO. Nobody thought about developing car with digital technology or doing something unique rather than just making another MARUTI 800.

No doubt he fulfilled his dream but the TATA MOTOR shareholders are crying now. Mr.Mistry also pointed out about the huge losses in NANO division.

The point is VERY FEW GUYS LISTNED to the Visionary guys – it does not matter whether you are individual or a big corporate house.

Let me deal with my calls given from SEPTEMBER 2016 to till now. Just click them and read, if time permits or just go through the brief.

All the calls were given 100% FREE of cost. All you needed to apply them and make tons of money. Just go through each of the calls and ask yourself – why you did not follow them? I have gone 100% correct in my predictions on market / gold / economies /countries / general public / personalities / bitcoin / USD and many more areas.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Untold SECRET of Lower rates of FED and Negative RATES of JAPAN – Understand this ASAP or CURSE your LUCK LATER on., 

We talked about implication on world market due to about economies. We are proven 100% correct. Just see.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Our Call on Market for 2014 to 2017 has come 100% correct So far!!, 

It was a BOLD Call that market will go up up and up. We are proved 100% correct.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Understand ASTROLOGICAL Forces behind Surgical Strike / IT Raids and Coming period, 

It talked about plight of Indian public and Economic scenario. 100% correct.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Do you REMEMBER what we had said on July 20th 2016? If not, please read., 

In July 2016, we had said the problems would come and they had come in September.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Our Prediction on MR.MODI has come 100% correct – what a call by Hitesh Parikh? Praise Lord., 

We read MODI’s horoscope and predicted he would take DRASTIC and UNPREDICATABLE actions.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Our Two More MAJOR PREDICTIONS have come CORRECT - PREDICTION on USA and Indian Public will SUFFER.

Just read this also.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Our Prediction on USA tallies with BIBLE & HEBREW CALANDER – Just read. What a CO-INCIDENCE?, 

Our reader had sent BIBLE predication to support our call on USA.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
December 2008 V/s. December 2016 – Same SITUATIONS  – are you ready to GRAB the OPPORTUNITIES?, 

THE BOLD CALL that market will touch NEW HIGH. MOST MISSED.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh

See the TAXES now.  Most Indian’s are facing lower income and increased TAXES.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh

See the market is moving one side up.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Why Pakistan did not ATTACK India in November 2016?, 

We gave the role of FII / DII and SMALL GUYS.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Hitesh Parikh’s Call on GOLD / SILVER / CRUDE & USD for 2017, 

They are moving as told.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh

100% correct predictions.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Indian Prime Ministers and India's Commercial FAILURES Go Hand is Hand – Unique Study., 

Why MODI could take anti economic step like DEMONETISATION?

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Do you have HEALTH / WEALTH and LEGAL Issues? Energy of 3rd February Can Help You., 

This was for our readers on dealing with their personal issues.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Nifty has moved from 7900 to 8800, Should I Invest Now or Not?, 

Here also said – buy buy buy.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Why Mr. SUBRATA ROY is facing a TOUGH time after our Call on 24th January?, 

VASTU STUDY to prove our point made in JULY 2016.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh

VASTU STUDY to prove our point made in JULY 2016.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
PRICE of Bitcoin will HIT the ROOF, Should you invest in it?, 

BITCOIN moved from USD 1000 to USD 5000! What else you want?

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Earthquake of 5.2 magnitude strikes Manipur. What it means for you?, 

VASTU POINT in support of our call in JULY 2016.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Nifty 7950 moved up from 9200. What Next?, 

Here also said – BUY BUY BUY.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Our understanding of the GROUND REALITIES of Indian Market proved 100% correct this time also., 

It was on increase in TAXES and Market going up.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh

YEARLY CALL based on astrology. Going 100% correct.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Our Prediction on Mr.KEJRIWAL has come 100% correct. Do you remember?, 

100% correct.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Our call on NORTH KOREA and KIM JONG UN, 

Unique way to study NORTH KOREA and its leader. Going 100% correct.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Our call on USA / Gold and Dollar – we are going 100% correct, once again., 

100% correct.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Why WORLD MARKETS in all ASSETS class can move up further from HERE?, 

100% correct why markets are moving up and they can move up.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh

Reading of USA.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Are we heading for 2008 kind of CRASH?, 

THE BOLD CALL for MARKET FALL,  NOBODY said when we right this.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
JIM ROGERS is talking about coming Market Crash on 8th June. We told on 28th May.,2017., 

JIM also says the same thing.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh

Will you invest with me if I make 60% and you make 40%?

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Our PREDICATION on INDIA and INDIAN PUBLIC made on 14th APRIL is coming 100% TRUE. Did you OBSERVE?, 

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Our call on MARKET and GOLD – Read slowly as if you are sipping a tea from a mug, 

Just appreciate the accuracy.

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
Common force behind Cyclone, Floods in Hong Kong, Huston and Mumbai., 

Why people having defects in their NORTH / EAST will suffer most?

hitesh @hiteshmparikh
The SECRET INVESTOR in Indian Market who is buying all shares and NO MEDIA is talking about HIM,          

The hidden forces behind current bull run in market.


Normal guys fall in love with the predictions. They fall in love with the predictor also. But the fact is –
he will make or lose money based on what he buys or sells?

They require the skill set to use MACRO picture to suit their MICRO NEEDS. Here the concept of DESTINY MANAGEMENT becomes the most useful.


If you like our ACCURACY – please be with us.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 /

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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