How IDIOTS look INTELLIGENTS and Fools around with your Life and Money?

November 26, 15

How IDIOTS look INTELLIGENTS and Fools around with your Life and Money?

Greetings from Hitesh!! Needless to say, that our last post – “Make Woman A MOTHER and You Become FATHER Automatically!!” has become viral. It has become the most read and forwarded one so far. Thanks a ton for the same. Let me share a very beautiful story of famous Russian Novelist – Ivan Turgenev (1818 to 1883). I was reading his story collection and I found this is worth sharing with you all.

How THE FOOL Became Most Intelligent Person of the TOWN?

A sage comes to a village, and a man comes to him with tears in his eyes and he says, ”I don’t know how to get out of this suffering. My whole village thinks I am an idiot. If I say something, they immediately condemn me, criticize me. If I don’t say anything they laugh and they say, ‘What can he say? He is an idiot.’ I am in such a fix. Hearing that you are a sage I have come for some advice.”

The sage said, ”Don’t be worried. A very simple technique will change the whole situation within a month.

The technique was, ”Don’t make any statement on your own. Just wait for somebody else to make the statement. Somebody says, ‘How beautiful is the sunset!’ That is the point – immediately jump and ask him, ‘What is beautiful in it? Define it! Explain! Do you know what beauty is? And if you don’t know what beauty is, how can you say that the sunset is beautiful? Before anything can be called beautiful, beauty has to be defined.’”

Naturally, when after one month the sage came back, the idiot had already become the wisest man in the village, because he had stopped everybody. You say something and he would criticize it and ask for fundamental definitions. You could say a woman is beautiful and he would ask, ”What is beautiful in that woman? Bones? A long nose? Stinking perspiration? What do you consider beauty?” There was no way to answer, and when people saw that they could not answer, they immediately started thinking that the man had been absolutely misunderstood.” He is not an idiot, he is a great thinker, a wise man, more intelligent than anybody else.”

The sage was very happy; he said, ”Are you happy now?”
The man said, ”I am absolutely happy.”

The sage said, ”Remember always, never make a statement on your own. Just wait; somebody is going to say something – criticize. Just remember one thing: never make a statement on your own; otherwise they will immediately jump on you and you will be an idiot again.”

Where Do We Find Such INTELLIGENTS GUYS around us?

You find them in tons on our TV channels. There are your dear MEDIA GUYS. Just see they keep on ASKING questions only!! With their questions they CREATE the Problems. Then they ask questions to solve the same. When they get the answers – they conclude “consensus estimates say so and so”. If the company is not meeting the CONSENSUS ESITMATES – it is BAD and if it exceeds – it is GOOD. Very easy JOB, isn’t it? What is more – they get respect as an EXPERT and Tons of Money!! I think if you are young and looking for a CAREER – you must consider this option.

You can add your Politicians and most BABAS to this category also. They are also doing the same thing with you.

Mr. Modi Asked you  - Do you want ACCHE DIN or Not? Of course you would answer YES and your ANSWER made him PM!!


You must have heard about BONSAI. Japanese called this an art. It is a MINUATURE of a TREE and kept in the house or office to make it more pleasant.

They are rooted in pots, but the pots don’t have any bottom. So their roots are continually cut, and if the roots cannot go deep the tree cannot go high. There is a certain balance. The highest tree needs very deep roots to stand; otherwise it will fall. And if you go on cutting the roots, the tree goes on becoming old but it does not grow higher, to its natural intrinsic capacity.

The same strategy has been used on us. They don’t want us to make tons of money. They want us to remain poor, dependent and insecure. They keep us busy on the SUPER FICIAL problems/ created issues and then they show us the solutions.
Let me share an issue of Investment here.

You are being told that you can’t do the PROPER analysis / you can’t afford the cost of Analyses / Market is unpredictable / You will lose you capital etc., etc.

They gave you this problem in your mind and they only created solutions – MUTUAL FUNDS/ FIXED DEPOSITS. They are ready to take away your Rs.500 per month also!! Then they created ETFs and now GOLD BONDs.

They make 200% and you get 20%!!! You feel happy for the same because all of them give you the RESUTLS in the same line!! Who has decided that you can’t earn more than 15% to 20% in a year? Of course – they have created a RECORD by declaring such results over the years to prove their point!!  

What NEXT?

The correct way is to TEACH you the FINE ART of Investments, which they are not READY to spill the beans. In fact, they are not TEACHING the same in your Universities also…they just want you to be CLERKS, EXECUTIVES and MANAGERS. No, Entrepreneur or Investor.

At Destiny Management – we have made our life mission to TEACH you the FINE ART OF INVESTMENTS.

If you HAPPY being BONSAI in somebody’s drawing ROOM – you don’t need us. But if you want to CREATE your OWN PALACE where you can keep 1000s of such BONSAI – please join me and be with me for 3 years.


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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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