Various Kinds of Diseases, but Health is of Just One Kind, How Come?
1, 2014
Kinds of Diseases, but Health is of Just One Kind, How Come?
from Hitesh! I am sure you would have celebrated Ganesh Chaturthy with
devotion. May Lord Ganesh remove all ovstacles and give happiness to you and
your family. Now let me deal with the above topic.
What is
any doctor what is disease and its definition. He will be quick to answer the
same. Now ask him what is HEALTH? He does not know anything. He can only state
that what remains when there is no disease is health. This is because health is
hidden inside man. Health is beyond the definition of man.
Sickness comes from the outside hence it can be defined; health comes from within hence it cannot be defined. Health defies definition. We can only say that the absence of sickness is health. The truth is, health does not have to be created; it is either hidden by illness or it reveals itself when the illness goes away or is cured. Health is inside us. Health is our nature.
V/s. Happiness:-
/ a Beautiful Partner / Sea side bunglow / Dinner at 7 star hotel / Armani
Clothes / Rolex Watch - all such things may give you pleasure. But can you
define happiness?
Health, happiness is your own nature. It is inside you. It is either hidden under
your worries or it reveals itself – when you are enjoying the current step in
your life.
How Seeking
Pleasures affects your Investments?
you do trading and if the shares moves in direction of your judgement – you get
pleasures and if not – you get pain. Attraction of pleasure is such that many
times most seasoned investors also get into the trading game and later on blame
the market for their pain.
obsession to pleasure is so high that if the shares do not move after their
purchase – they doubt whether they are in right direction or not?
– as long as you seek pleasures – pain will come automatically.
What will
happiness oriented investors do?
would look at regular income and increasing wealth as their criteria for
happiness. They are ready to wait. They are ready to give a time to the
business they invest. They are aware about the business cycle and overall
scenario in which the business operates.
fact, their awareness makes them confidence from within that they are on right
direction (and not the price movement!!) and it gives them the power to invest
more and more.
Personal Call:-
the causes of disease go away and health will emerge. Do not make seeking
pleasures as a motive of all your activities, and happiness will emerge.
sound health and goal of happiness – you are more likely to become a better
investor then without them.
your choice.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or
on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
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