How Steve Job Created A Wealth Of Billions Of Dollar?
November 28, 2011
How Steve Job Created A Wealth Of Billions Of Dollar?
Over the years, I have observed the power of principles working in human lives. It is very pleasant to see that how Job’s commitment to the principles lead to the phenomenal success in his life.
On 3rd January 1977, he created a company Apple Computer Co. At that time he had the following core value in his mind
Job’s Core Value:- “You should never start a company with a goal of getting rich….you goal should be making something that you believe in and making a company that will last.”
They wrote just 3 principles when they started their company. The title of that page was….“The Apple Marketing Phylosophy.”
1. Empathy:- We will truly understand customers needs better than any other company.
2. Focus:- In order to do above job in a good way, we must eliminate all unimportant opportunities.
3. Impute:- To present their products in most creative and professional manner to their customers.
(Source:- Steve Jobs biography By Walter Issacson)
What A
1. Never do investments only to get money.
2. Do your SWOT analysis….in other words study and understand your behavior as an investor and your investment psychology very well.
3. Focus on those opportunities which is in line with above behavior, psychology and your core believes or change they to suit the investment opportunities.
4. Use your creativity and do it professionally or take help of professionals.
Our Experiences of
We have observed following traits in normal investors whom we have come across in past 20 years….
1. Their goal is only to make money or get rich quickly.
2. They are not much concerned with the company, management, business of the company they invest.
3. They want their returns regularly the way they earn in their fixed deposits with Banks. They get upset if the returns do not occur regularly.
4. They have no time or inclinations to learn the finer aspects of the principles of investments or take professional help.
5. They invest with Greed to make money. If everybody is buying some share……they should not be left out !!
6. They sell with Fear of loss. If everybody is selling….they must sell also.
7. They hold their loss making shares with a Hope of recovering capital at least.
8. Ignorance of companies they invest in and ignorance of principles of investments gives them Panic and Sleepless nights.
9. Ultimately they Curse their luck and everybody else for their losses.
Personal Request:-
Just learn from the most successful entrepreneur of our time.
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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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