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Covid 19 Horoscope reading about Wars and Share Market Teji? The Real Research.

20 th  April 2024 Covid 19 Horoscope reading about Wars and Share Market Teji? The Real  Research. Dear Fellow Travellers, Namo Narayan! Mukesh Ambani had said Data is a NEW OIL. Yesterday was his birthday. I wish him healthy year ahead. Now, when you have the accurate data – you can draw meaningful conclusions and take actions which can help you make money or achieve any of your other goals.  What my readers want from me? I keep on getting request to write about the ECLIPSES / RETROGRADE Planets and usual stuff which YouTube astrologers are busy serving masses.  These are routine events and on every events if you go on predicting something or the other – people with common-sense will laugh at the astrology as a science.  My GURU has taught me to differentiate between ROOT / TRUNK and BRANCHES. We always pick up the ROOT DATA. With ROOT only, we can have the clear perspective of the coming time in that respective matter. Those who pick up the BRANCHES and try to judge the root are misg

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